June 15, 1952

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June 15, 1952.

    Remember how I said Oscar was tough?

    Well, that sure was proven today!

    Oscar decided to surprise me.

    He took me out to the woods so we could hike and have a picnic—-I mean, that's what summer's for, isn't it?

     It was a very lovely day that Oscar had planned, and I sure as hell was enjoying it!

     After the picnic—-which was quite lovely because I could hear birds chirping the whole time (which was music to my ears)--we continued to hike.

    And that's when we heard it! A rustling in the bushes!

    Out popped out a hideous bear!

    But, Oscar knew right away how to protect me.

    He wrestled that bear and showed it who was boss.

    I've never seen an animal run away so fast in all my life! It was hilarious!

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