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"You could've easily crushed me, why not?" I pushed more into the subject waiting for his answer patiently.

Who would've thought, I was fighting for my life with him just a day ago and now we are talking? Was it my personality that made this happen? Or was it just him.

"Because you didn't give up." He leaned in close to me, I could feel his breath inches away from my face. He looked around to see if anyone was looking then turned back to me.

"I've seen only a few fighters like you in my life." He took a deep breath. "I saw the fire in your eyes for a medic."

He got up before I could talk, leaving my mouth slightly agape as I wanted to talk but nothing came out.

"Meeting. 3:00." He said in a tired voice as he took his tray, dumped it, then walked away. Leaving me a little speechless on how to even respond. Be thankful? Gloat to him? I didn't know but I just tried to clear my head and eat my food.

I looked up after taking another bite and saw him standing at the cafeteria doors, almost like he was waiting till I noticed him, then he left for good.


After everyone finished their food, I looked at the clock. It was 1:56. I still had an hour to do whatever then I would have to attend the meeting.

After a few minutes of lingering around the base, I finally found a room labeled, "GYM." Took long enough.

I entered to see nobody there. Great. I liked the peace and quiet anyway.

I put my things down on a bench and started to warm up on the speed bag, throwing quick jabs. After awhile though, I wanted to go on an actual big punching bag, so I did.

I didn't even realize how much time passed by, I was sweating and painting, I already took my shirt off and only have my sports bra and pants on. I didn't mind though since it was only me.

My mind raced as I thought about how everyone had underestimated me from the start, just because I was a woman. Except for now, I was given the opportunity and I snatched it like a kid would with candy.

After a few more hard punches, I heard a familiar voice calling me, almost screaming for my attention.

I turned and looked up to see König.

"What? Why are you screaming?" I asked, barely able to take a deep breath as I sat myself down on the bench.

"I've been calling your name for a minute now! I've never seen anyone be that focused for so long." He exclaimed, trying not to look at my bra. At least he was a gentleman.

"How long were you here?" He asked me, looking at the time.

"Uhm.. since about 2, why?" I looked at the time also. It read, 2:55.

An audible fuck came out of my mouth as I put my shirt on and took my bag, having no time to go to my room and put it back do I just took it with me.

He held the door for me and walked with me.

"I'm impressed." His tone changed from stern to a more calmer one.

"How long were you there?" I questioned.

"Hm, about 30 minutes." He laughed darkly as he said that, sending me chills down my spine yet I kinda liked it.

As I didn't respond for a few more seconds and I stared at him in shock. He looked over to me also. His dark eyes piercing through my soul and judging my every movement but it's almost like it felt different from everyone else.

"I'm excited to put you in the rabbit ring again." He mumbled.

So, this was a thing apparently because it had a name. I'm assuming it was just like sparring but that's just the name he gave it. I looked him up and down with my eyes, not moving my head and decided to respond.

"What about after the meeting?" I replied.

It looked like he almost choked and he chuckled slightly. We were still a few minutes early but we made it.

"Sure. If you can take all of me.. little rabbit." He said in a mischievous tone as he opened up the meeting room door for me, not letting me respond to his comment since we had to be quiet as we entered. I gave him a smirk and looked away right as the man started talking.

Honestly, I was so bored and tired. It was something about who was getting assigned to who for the mission. König had already ruined the surprise for me so there was no point in listening anyways.

"And finally Y/N with König as the sniper. Any questions?" The man said and kept talking but I looked back at König who was in the back of the room, crossing his arms over his chest.


After a little longer of that boring meeting, we walked back to the barracks, passing most of the high ranked ones and going to the "newbie" ones.

I put my things away and sighed. I agreed to meet König in the same room that we fought the first time we met. When I was still a medic.

I changed my clothes into a loose shirt and sweatpants and headed out, wondering how this could play out.

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