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It's been 4 months since Reidy and I have found out that we were going to have a baby. Hoppo is going to be the godfather to our baby... Maxi wasn't to pleased about that, but next time. Today we are going to find out the sex of the baby so Reidy and the boys can set up the babies room. Muggsy is loving it, he was lay is head on my lap and rest his head on the baby bump. Every time the baby would move he would make noises.

"Jamie Barton" I heard my name get called out. I put the magazine down and walked into the room.

"Hey sorry I'm late, I didn't miss anything?" Reidy rushed over to me and gave me a kiss.

"No, I just got in" I told him. I left the nurse do her work, I looked over at Reidy and saw him looking at his phone. I looked over and saw a picture of Muggsy looking at the baby bump with his tilted to the side.

"I've still got 5 months left, we can get a lot more photos" I told him, he looked over at me and smiled softly. I squealed when I felt the jelly hit my stomach.

"Sorry, I should of warned you" Natalie told me.

"No it's fine" I told her. Reidy held my hand, we looked at the screen and we smiled.

"You here that? That's the heartbeat" I smiled and I looked up at Reidy and I saw him with tears in his eyes.

"Every time" I told Natalie.

"Here's the head, and the sex is... it's a boy" Natalie told us.

"Yes!" Reidy called out. I giggled along with Natalie.

"He's always wanted a boy" I told her.

"I can see that, let me print these out and you can be on your way" Natalie told me wiping the jelly off of my baby bump. I pulled my top down and sat up, I wiped his tears away and gave him a kiss.

"Hopefully he wants to be a lifeguard when he's older" Reidy told me.

"So do I" I told him. Reidy helped me off the bed and Natalie walked in with the photo's, Hoppo always get one. We walked out of the hospital and Reidy drove to the tower, I walked over to Hoppo and handed him the ultrasound. He looked up at me.

"A boy?" Hoppo asked me and I nodded. He stood up and hugged me, I hugged him back. I closed my eyes and I felt a tear run down my cheeks. Hoppo pulled back and I looked down

"What's wrong?" Hoppo asked me.

"What if..." Hoppo took me to his office and closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Hoppo asked me.

"What if he hates me? what if I'm a bad mother?" I asked him.

"Your not going to be a bad mother, your not into drugs, you don't go out every night and get drunk or waist your money on shit. You treat the young guys here like their your own, remember when Troy had experience his first dead body. You took him off to one side and you talked to him, he told me that he would always look up to like the older sister figure or the mother figure. Ask him and he'll tell ya himself" Hoppo told me.

"I just don't want to turn out to be like my mum" I told him.

"And you won't. Your motherly instinct had came out quiet a lot when you fell pregnant, you're not afraid to give the trainees a good telling that's for sure" Hoppo told me.

"Yeah well, only the ones that muck around. Trust me I still give Maxi a lecture or two" I tell Hoppo. We walked out and I saw the new trainee Taco smiled and Maxi not looking impressed. I walked over to Maxi.

"What happened?" I asked Maxi.

"Taco was using the lifeguard board as a surfboard" Maxi told me. I looked over at Hoppo and he smiled.

Bondi's Dancer *Andrew 'Reidy' Reid* *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now