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It's been 3 weeks since that little drink fest with the guys. I'm currently sitting in the tower looking out with Jesse and Hoppo. I feel like throwing up, I set the binoculars down and ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Jesse get Reidy up here and you take his place down there" Hoppo called out. Hoppo rubbed my back.

"You okay Baby?" Hoppo asked me. The guys gave me that nickname, I don't mind.

"I don't know" I told him.

"Babe, what' wrong?" Reidy asked me.

"She doesn't know. Reidy what's going on?" Hoppo asked me.

"I don't know, she threw up this morning" Reidy said. I stood up and Hoppo gave me water.

"Why don't you take her to the hospital and come back with results, then we'll go from there" Hoppo said.

"Okay, come on babe" Reidy said, we walked to his car and I curled up on the seat facing him.

"If you feel like to threw up, tell me and I'll pull over" Reidy told me. I nodded my head, we made it to the hospital before I need to threw up.

"Excuse me miss, but my girlfriend isn't feel well. She's thrown three time today" Reidy told the lady at the counter.

"I'll get a doctor, what her name?" She told him.

"Jamie Barton" Reidy said as I sat down. Reidy came over to me and sat next to me.

"Reidy, if and this is a big if. If I'm pregnant would you leave me?" I asked him.

"I would never leave you, if you are pregnant then we'll get through this together" Reidy told me.

"Jamie Barton and Andrew Reid" Reidy stood up and grabbed my hand. We walked into the doctors office.

"I'm Doctor O'Conner. What seems to be the problem?" He asked us.

"Well this one has been throwing up all day" Reidy said.

"Three times in the space of 2 hours" I told him.

"Alright, I know this will be uncomfortable to answer. But have you two had any sexual intercourse?" He asked us.

"3 weeks ago" Reidy said.

"first time?" He asked me.

"Only time" Reidy and I said. I looked at him like he's crazy.

"Alright, we're going to take some blood and then we'll get back to yous in a couple of days" I nodded my head.

"Hoppo would give me a few days off right?" I asked Reidy.

"Yeah" Reidy told me, the nurse came in and took some of my blood and walked out.

"Is says here that your mum is your emergency contact but you don't have a second one, do you want a second one?" The nurse asked me.

"Can I have 2 other ones?" I asked her. She nodded her head, I gave her Reidy and Hoppo's number and details. We left back to the tower.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Hoppo asked.

"We don't know. They took some of her blood to run some tests and they'll get back to us" Reidy said. I sat down next to Harries and he rubbed my back.

"I know your pregnant" Harries whispered to me.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"You have the same symptoms when Em was pregnant" Harries told me.

"Like backaches, headaches, weird cravings, throwing up, constantly feeling fat?" I asked him.

"And more" Harries said. Reidy came up behind me and started rubbing my neck, that seem to lessen the pain in my head.

"Why don't you go home?" Reidy asked me. I looked over at Hoppo and he nodded his head.

"Alright, it sucks behind home doing nothing" I told Reidy.

"I know, but not until we get the result back from Doc" Reidy told me. I gave him a kiss and hugged the other and off I go. I got to Reidy's car when my phone went off.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ms. Barton, seems like your test results came back faster than usual. But you are pregnant"

"Thank you Doctor O'Conner, thank you so much" I told him and hung up. I ran back to the tower and jumped into Reidy's arms.

"We're having a baby" I told him.

"What? Are you serious?" Reidy asked me.

"Deadly, I knew it, Harries knew it. But Doc called me as I was about to get into the car and told me the results" I told him.

"We're having a baby" Reidy said.

"Yes Reidy, we're having a baby" He kissed me and I felt a tear it my chin. I pulled back and saw that he was crying.

"I'm so happy" Reidy told me.

"Bondi Central to all lifeguards Reidy and Baby are having a baby. I repeat we have a baby on board" Hoppo radio.

"How long are you?" Harries asked me.

"Next week will be a month" I told them. Maxi came bolting in and hugged me.

"Congrates" Maxi said.

"Thanks Maxi" I smiled up at him.

"I'm the godfather right?" Maxi asked me.

"Maxi, we just found out" Reidy told him. I giggled and shook my head.

"Wait another 5 months" I patted his chest. Deano got up to get a drink and I quickly took his seat, I grabbed the binoculars and looked out.

"Hey" Deano said. I looked over to him and smiled.

"Hey" I stood up and Deano sat down and I sat on his lap.

"Oh come on" Deano said.

"You love me" I smiled at him.

"Don't get to comfortable, we need to talk" Hoppo said, I pouted and walked into his office.

"Now legally women can leave for maternity leave 6 weeks before you give birth, anything earlier I will accept it considering what you do here" Hoppo said.

"I'll see how it goes first" I told him.

"Alright and congrates on the news" Hoppo told me. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks Hoppo. I'd have to talk to Reidy about it and don't tell Maxi, but I was hopping you'd be the godfather of our baby" I told him.

"Talk to him first, but I'd be honoured" Hoppo told me.

"I heard that" Maxi called out.

"Oh well" Hoppo said.

"You can be the godfather next time" I called back.

"Yes!" Maxi called out.

Bondi's Dancer *Andrew 'Reidy' Reid* *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now