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Summary: Y/n was called on a mission and Peter volunteered to stay home with their five year old daughter. He didn't think his day would begin by asking Tony for parenting advice.
Oh yeah. Peter is definitely Tony's son in this one.

      Peter was currently fighting to get his wife Y/n out the door. She had been called for help by the King of Wakanda himself. But she seemed to be absolutely against leaving their daughter in Peter's "capable" hands. "Just go. I've got this." Y/n shook her head. "I can't just leave. This is a crucial time in a child's life." Peter rolled his eyes. "You say that everytime I try to get you to leave."

"Well. It's true? Look. They don't technically need me. I mean, you could go..."

"No. They don't need Spider-Man. They need you. Now. Go." Peter and Y/n continued to go back and forth, unaware of the little girl that was standing in the hall watching their interaction in an amused way. "Goooooooooooooo." Peter dragged out the 'o' as long as he wanted to. Y/n folded her arms just as Peter opened the door. "Goodbye now. I've got this. K, bye!" Peter shoved her out of the door, closing it and locking it afterward. Then he turned to his little girl. "So. What do you wanna do?" She shrugged. "C'mon J. You must know." She shrugged aggressively. Peter sighed blowing a curl out of his face. "Okay. How does the tickle monster sound?"

"No dad." She stomped her foot. Peter frowned and went over to her. "Hey, what did mommy and daddy say about talking to us like that?" He crouched down to her level.

"But! All my classmates talk like that to their mommies and daddies. And they can tie their own shoes and have adult meals from restaurants!" She pouted.

"Well, you can't talk to your mommy and daddy that way okay?"

"Meh. Can we watch a movie?" Peter almost felt his eye twitch at her response. Why was she acting like... Morgan? "After you apologize." Peter told her.

"No! Aunt Morgan never makes me." She kicked him in the knee and then spit on him.

"Jamie! Apologize!" He wiped the spit from off his face then grabbed her arm. Which was alarmingly warm. "Daddy let go."

"Please apologize." And then before he could react his five year old threw up everything she had eaten for breakfast and dinner the previous night. Mainly on him. Then she started crying. "I'm sorry daddy! You - you didn't have to do that!" Peter's heart shattered. She thought that he caused her to throw up. "Oh baby..." He scooped her up and cradled her. But the crying didn't stop. He felt panic rise up in his chest. He hastily grabbed his phone and dialed his dad's number. "Hey bambi." Tony answered.

"Dad! I seriously need your help! Jamie threw up and then she's crying and she thinks I made it happen and she's got a fever and I'm freaking out 'cause Y/n went to Wakanda and I told her ---"

"Okay! Peter calm down. I'll be there soon."

"Ohmygosh thank you Mr. Stark." Peter hung up and swayed with the little girl in his arms. "It's okay." Peter sighed. He felt like a terrible father. "M - m -mommy!!!" Jamie cried out squirming in Peter's grasp. "What's wrong baby?" Peter cooed.

"My tummy hurts." She whimpered. Peter nodded his head. And placed a hand to her head which was warm. His suspicion was confirmed when she shivered. He was still panicking and didn't know what to do. But his mind was put at ease when Tony knocked on the door. Peter sighed in relief and went to answer the door. "Oh thank goodness!" Tony smiled as he entered the small apartment. "Okay. What's going on?" Peter attempted a shrug with the crying child in his arms. "Did you check her temperature? Give her a bath? Give her some water?" Peter shook his head rapidly. "Oh kid. Why don't you go do those things then put her in your bed to watch something funny."

"Oh my gosh dad. Thank you. You are the best parent. Be right back." Peter's daughter was still crying as he ran to do the things that Tony had suggested to him.


Afterward Peter was laying on his bed with his much calmer daughter laying on his chest. Her steady heartbeat calmed him. 'Let it Go' was playing lowly on the TV as the little girl wanted to watch 'Frozen'. There was a knock on the door. "Hey kid. I'm going to head out now okay?" Tony said standing in the doorway. Peter nodded mindlessly. "Okay, well, let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks dad. But honestly. You've done enough."

"Bye grandad." Jamie muttered sleepily. Tony waved to her then walked out of sight. Peter smiled as he looked down at his half asleep daughter. "Love you daddy. I'm sorry."

"Love you too." Then he snapped a selfie of the two of them and sent it to Y/n.

Full story idea credit goes to DiaPhantom!

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