Prologue(pt. 2)

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YOUR POV WOOHOOO!!!! (1st person:

I followed Moon, my eyes(sort of, since I still can't tell if I am a humanoid robot or not) looking around in awe, not expecting outer space to look so beautiful.





I jolted as I heard my serial number being called out, turning to look up at Moon as he had a concerned look on his face, "Y-Ye-es-s?" I spoke out but mentally winced as my voice sounded more worn out and glitched. "We made it.. to Earth." I floated towards Earth, causing the moon to let out a noise of confusion and shock, but he followed me quickly. "Uh-h E-E-Ear-Earth-th?" I spoke out once I got close enough to him, he seemed a bit caught off guard by the new voice but turned around, only to see nothing, confused. I let out a glitched mimic of a cough, causing him to look down at my IMMENSELY SMALL form. "Hel-Hello, I am-m K-1B0-0. I came-me from your surface-e, like your earthlings-s." I stated, my hand pointed upwards as I spoke from whatever speaker I had on me. Earth blinked down at me before smiling, "Hey uh.. K-1B0.. do you.. have any other name than that?" He greeted me as I paused from the question he asked, before I looked up at him, "Ye-Yes-s, I think I do-o, It was—" Before I could speak, many warnings popped up into my vision about an overdrive, errors, system overheating, and an emergency shut down as my body let out a more feminine robotic-like voice.

"Emergency system shutdown commencing in 3..."

My body started twitching as if I was glitching out as I let out a weirdly loud and glitched-out panicked "Heh?!"


I glitched out even more as my hands instinctively went to clutch the sides of my head and I slowly lost my vision. (We love my sudden jumpscares, hmmmm? :D)


I stopped moving as my hands went to the sides of my hips as I powered off.

3rd person:

Earth and Moon watched in horror and genuine confusion at what they just witnessed, their eyes wide in shock as they looked at you in concern, before they noticed the small letters that wrote: "System reboot in process, voicebox reloading.. 40% left.. (time estimated to take: 3 minutes." They both changed their gaze between you and each other before deciding to wait for you to reload.


























It took forever. those 3 minutes felt like 3 decades. BUT IT WASN'T! You finally powered back on with a harsh jolt and looked around quickly before slowly calming down "Huh... WH- Oh hey, my voice is back to normal!" They heard you exclaim out in glee, before turning to look up at them, a pixelated smile on your face, which they thought was pretty neato. "Anyways, as I was saying.. The name that I remember being called is Y/N! Designation K-1B0 4.5 is just a serial number I was created with, but I made my own name!" you spoke out cheerfully, making them bewildered at your quick personality changes.. Do they have a robotic.. human Neptune now..? Naaahhhhh! Both Moon and Earth laughed slightly at your unique characteristics. "Well, it's a nice name, I like it!" Moon cheered out, grinning.

Nothing bad could happen yet, right?

WRONG. THE MANIAC SUN COULD. But nobody knows that yet! :D

(Heeeeellllooooo! Dumb writer here, yes, criticize me, I want it, be as harsh as you can, I need you to act like my dad when I ask for help with my math work. I NEED MY WRITING TO GET BETTER HAAGEGH Btw, yes, my timing is crap, I hate posting in an orderly fashion, and there will be an introduction on how you look soon! I'll draw the body base thing and you could take it from there with how you look :D)

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