Prologue: Pilot

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(Narrators POV)

In the depths of hell, it was that time again, the time of extermination. Every year, angels come down from heaven and kill as many sinners as possible due to overpopulation and that they may not rise against them. Throughout the extermination, no demon or sinner would survive outside. But however, an overlord named y/n, would fight the exterminators to save both demons and sinners. Sometimes you would save a few demons and sinners, but other wouldn't save them all. But, that was just life...and you have to move on. Right now, you were finishing your last fight with the exterminators as they fell to the ground. One drops their angelic spears as you kick it to one of the angles and points his sword to them.

(Y/N): pick it up...

The angle looked confused.

(Y/N): I may not save them all, but I will save as many demons as I can. So I can keep them safe from YOU...who kill as many demons as you can...

The defeated exterminator grabs their angelic spear, as it and the others fly back to the sky.

(Y/N): another year...another extermination...

You place your sword on your back as you walk through a battlefield near a huge spotlight.

(Y/N): *sigh* It's always the same thing, I save a few demons and sinners, but some just get killed in the extermination. As somebody said, you can't save them all. Heh, but I can save a few. Now then...let's see how many died on the list today...

You soon transformed into a bat-like creature with wings that have red claws on them, big ears, with black and purple scales. As you flew up in the air and land on a balcony near hell's entrance as you transform back into your regular form. You look down from the balcony, as a small demon-like bird was holding a piece of paper above you, as you reach out and grab the paper from the bird.

(Y/N): thank you...

The demon-like bird chirps happily as it flew away, leaving some of its feathers as you unroll the paper and look at it.

(Y/N): Okay, let's see what damage is. Only 383 exterminators that I've defeated. *sigh* But sadly, only 5,099,123 reborn demons, 12,703 sinners and 9,009 heartless demons have died. *sigh* Well, at least I saved a few that managed to not be on the list.

You heard someone crying as you saw that it was Charlie, as she was on the other side of the balcony while she was crying, as you were beside her.

(Y/N): Hey Charlie.

Charlie: hey...y/n...

As you lend your hand near her cheek, she looks at you.

(Y/N): Charlie, are you ok?

She gives a concerned look.

(Y/N): Look, it's can tell me anything that's bothering you.

Charlie wipes some of her tears off her face and looks at you.

Charlie: It's just...*sniff* Why isn't this working? I thought that demons wanted to be redeemed into heaven, but they just really don't care. I mean...heaven is a great place up there, but they just can't seem to realize it.

(Y/N): *sigh* Charlie...some really want to be redeemed, but they just can't seem to have the courage to do it. So, they sin away in hell. Us demons and angels are not friends, we are enemies, and enemies always hate each other. They never got the chance to redeem themselves.

Charlie: I know. So, how many demons have died this time...

You showed her the list of all the demon's that died during the last extermination.

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