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( then )

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( then )

   THE BEAUTIFUL RAYS of sunlight that shined down were full of warmth and comfort. Yellow and orange hues danced across the sky as the day started to wrap up. The air was hot, saved by a light breeze that rolled through every few minutes.

Rose casually padded her way up the short concrete driveway that was in front of her, her flip flops clicking against the pavement. A young girl was sat out on the ground, her eyes closed as she basked in the sun. Her perfectly curled hair was wild and blowing in the wind. Her feet swayed back and forth as if she was moving to the beat of a song.

"Sarah!" Her eyes snapped open, slightly startled by the voice.

"Hey!" The young girl got to her feet and ran at the brunette stood before her at full speed, engulfing her in a tight hug.

She may have been short and tiny, but her love was mighty. Her small arms wrapped around Rose's waist and her face buried in her neck as she talked. Her words came out in a mumbled mess, making her laugh.

"I'm sorry, darlin. But that wasn't english." Rose pushed Sarah back slightly so she could look up at her and speak clearly.

"I said, what took you so long?" She crinkled her nose at the woman in front of her.

"There's this thing I have. It's called a job." Rose teased and ruffled the girls thick locks, making her sneer slightly.

"You and dad, always with the jobs." Sarah rolled her eyes as she grabbed ahold of her hand, pulling her towards the house.

"Speaking of the devil, where is he?" Rose asked as she rose an eyebrow - looking around for his old beat up  truck, which was nowhere in sight.

"Work still, I presume?" She answered her own question.

"You betcha." Sarah shut the door behind the two of them and led Rose into the living room where piles of nail polish were stacked - along with makeup and hair accessories.

"Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into?" Rose huffed as she took a seat on the soft carpet.

Sarah gave her a mischievous grin as she gathered up a pile of supplies from the table, hopping onto the old worn out couch behind her. The little girl cupped her hands around Rose's face from behind and forced her to look straight ahead.

"Welcome to Sarah's Salon."


Rose crinkled her nose at the overwhelming smell of nail polish and perfume combined. It felt like it was engulfing her, the aroma slithering up and tickling the inside of her nose.

BAD DECISIONS ━ JOEL MILLERWhere stories live. Discover now