Happy Astrea Mansion

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We see Y/N on a large and comfy bed as the light shines on his face, he is starting to get up.

Y/N:...I don't know that ceiling.

Y/N starts to get up as he then looks at his surroundings.

Y/N:' So it wasn't a dream it really happened... I am in Re:zero now'.

Yesterday was nothing but hell dying to Truck-kun, getting Isekai'd and then fighting a freaking psycho which has a thing for guts.

Y/N:... This is Adel's place... yeah I decided to come here instead of-.

Y/N then starts to feel guilty for leaving Subaru alone to deal with Mabeast and Rem, Even though he was nothing but a fictional character till yesterday he was starting to see him as a friend since he was in a way same as him but on a different circumstances. 

Y/N then gets of the bed and approached a window in the room. Outside he saw a large garden with beautiful flowers on it and beyond it he see building's which he saw around the markets. Just as he was looking outside he hears the sound of the door opening.

Adelheid: Ah Good Morning Y/N, I see that you woke up.

Y/N turns around and looks at Adel.

Y/N:  Good Morning Adel, Yeah I just woke up a min ago. 

Adelheid: Come Y/N I made food for both you and milady.

Y/N:' Oh she is talking about Felt speaking of her' Adel where is Felt I though she would be running around the mansion or something.

Adel: Ah she woke up earlier than you, well she was rather... to energetic it's better if you see it for your self.

Adel and Y/N then exits the room and starts walking in the hallway

As the two went on their way, they approached a door that was being banged from the other sie and the door itself was shaking every time the door was banged


A voice can be heard behind the door, A voice that Y/N recognizes the owner of the voice was none other than Felt.


Adelheid calmly opens the door only to be met by a flying kick.... which she dodges easily

Felt: Don't dodge my kick bastard! WTH is going on?!!.

Adelheid: *Confused* What's with the aggression, miss Felt? is the room not to your liking.

Y/N: Geez Felt stop screaming will ya.

Felt then turns her attention to Y/N and starts screaming.


Y/N: first nope and second calm down kid.

Felt: I AM NOT A KID!.

Felt then rushes to tackle Y/N only to be stopped by Adelheid.

Felt: Let go of me Dammit.

Adelheid: Milady, pls calm down I know you have questions but first we should have breakfast since the food is ready.

Y/N:' Yeah man now that I think about it I didn't eat anything since yesterday.'

Felt: No I am no-.

Felt stomach starts growling demanding for food.

Felt: *Blushing* I think I am hungry a bit.

Adelheid just smiles at her.... and  Y/N was laughing at her reaction.

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