Training Went Wrong And Meeting A Annoying Old Man

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Y/N could be seen laying on his back on floor, He was holding a Wooden (Training) sword and He had bruises all over his body.

Y/N: *Panting* How the hell did I end up here again.

To know that we have to go all the way back to the beginning, So FLASHBACK!!!.

(5 Hours ago)


Felt could be seen running away from Adelheid who was holding a dress.

Adelheid: Miss Felt pls listen for a lady you have to wear a dress.

Felt: NEVER!!!.

Y/N could be seen watching the chaos from far.

Y/N: Geez and here I though there will be no problems.

???: Ha Ha Ha, That girl never liked those dress or the people who wear's those.

The one who said that was a giant we all know and respect, Old Man Rom.

Y/N: But still she has to wear it if she is going to royal selection's.

Rom:' To think that she will be dragged to the royal selection and getting protected by a Astrea' Is fate joking with me.

(Dark: If you guys are wondering why Rom didn't show himself last time because he was still sleeping at that time, He got to know about everything after he woke up, So back to story).

Y/N: Hmm you said something Rom?.

Rom: Its nothing.

Before there conversation could continue something strike's behind Y/N, When he turns around he sees Felt hiding behind him and in front of him is standing Adelheid holding a dress.

Felt: Bro do anything but keep that dress away from me.

Adelheid: Y/N pls tell to Milady that she wears the dress.

Y/N seeing that Adelheid had point was going to agree but then he hears this.

Felt: *In scary tone* If you don't help just remember this I will give you hell , Big Bro.

Adelheid: *In scary tone* If you don't agree then you will face consequence ,Y/N.

Y/N:' OI OI when did they become that scary and when did Adel started talking in that way'.

Y/N was scared that was a understatement.

He was terrified, Rom was looking at Y/N in pity the poor boy just got stuck somewhere where any guy would surely die.

Y/N:' Got to do something'.

Y/N then gets a idea.

Y/N: *Seriously* Adel before you dress up Felt can you... help me with sword training.

Adel and Felt were kind of surprised, They didn't expect Y/N to talk about training in this situation.

Adelheid: Why are you asking about it now?.

Y/N: Its just that Adel I am weak, There's no meaning of wielding a sword if you don't know how to use it.

Adelheid then thinks for a moment and then answers.

Adelheid: Ok I will help so when do you wish to start.

Y/N: If possible I would like to start now.

Adelheid nods as she then turns and goes toward the Armory to grab wooden swords, Y/N only sighs in relive he just made out of another life and death situation but in reality he really wanted to train with Adelheid to get stronger.

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