Epilogue + Drabbles

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Weeds slithered across the headstone, while the one next to it was covered in grime. Uncapping his water bottle, Peter poured the water over the gravestone. It revealed the name "Benjamin Parker" Next, the boy tore away the weeds, revealing May's resting place. Peter sat in front of the two, collecting himself.

"He's gone. Locked away...His trial just ended. I'm sorry I.." The boy's breath hitched, throat closing in, "I'm sorry for not visiting sooner. I love you both." Pressing a kiss to his fingers, Peter touched each headstone lightly.

From the car, Tony waited with Steve, both of the men watching as Peter paid his respects, "Thank God this shit is over." Tony mumbled, kicking a piece of gravel.

"Tony Stark thanking God? Guess the kid really did change you." Steve chuckled, watching Tony groan.

"I'm not saying that you going soft is a bad thing," Steve raised his hands in defense, watching the shorter man fume. Tony sighed, rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses. He looked out at his kid, who was walking back toward them, "You think he'll be okay?" He asked, his voice pitching slightly with worry

"With you looking out for him? Definitely."

Drabble #1: Stuck

Tony stood hunched over his desk, a mug in his hand reading "#1 Asshole" (Courtesy of Rhodey). He tipped the mug against his lip, "Empty.." He mumbled, his voice echoing into the cup. Stretching as he stood from his chair, Tony looked over to Peter's side of the lab. The boy was asleep, his head resting on the table. The boy should be light enough to carry, Tony figured as he tiptoed to Peter. The boy was a light sleeper, and Tony knew he needed this sleep because of his nightmares.

Carefully, Tony picked Peter up, adjusting him in a bridal carry. After a lot of maneuvering which surprisingly didn't awake Peter, Tony finally set the boy down on his bed. Running his hand through Peter's curls, Tony smiled. The kid looked so peaceful when he slept. Sighing, the man tried to back away. Tried.

He was stuck. Peter had an iron-like grip on his shirt. And to be quite honest, Tony didn't have the heart to wake him up. Yawning, Tony scooted Peter over, leaving a small bit of room for himself. He could use a few hours of sleep as well.

Drabble #2: Birthday

Tony had been going through Peter's files, reviewing the notes about his powers, when he found his birthday. August 10th. "That's in two days." Tony spoke to himself, "Friday, order party stuff." Friday responded with a robotic "Yes sir".

Tony was never one to throw parties. Hell, he didn't know the last time he celebrated his own birthday. But Peter was special to him. He was like family. Tony wanted to give the kid a birthday he deserved.

Baking the cake was hell. After adding too much milk to one batch, and burning the other, Tony finally caved and asked Pepper for help. The woman obliged, baking a small vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. Tony watched like a child, looking over the woman's shoulder every five seconds. They prepped the living room with decorations, hanging streamers from the fan and tying balloons to almost anything.

"Did you get him something?" Steve asked, looking at the big sign that read "Happy Birthday Peter!" Though Peter's name ran off the banner, growing smaller as it reached the edge.

"Of course!" Tony said, mock offense coloring his face. The elevator behind the group dinged, signaling their youngest member's arrival. Each member took their spot, yelling "Happy Birthday" when the boy walked in.

Tony made sure he was the last person to give Peter his gift, "Saved the best for last," He said, handing a small envelope to the boy. Peter silently opened the letter and read its contents.

"You want to adopt me?" He asked, teary eyed. Tony nodded, "Of course kid. You deserve a home," Peter engulfed Tony in a hug, tears staining the man's suit jacket. Though Tony didn't care, his kid was in his arms, he was home.

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