I hate people who ram into another person

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1) Have you ever been reborn?
2)Would it be funny if the last thing you did was flip the bird?

My answers: Yes and yes.

Well, I found it funny anyways.

How it happened?

Well, I was just walking home like I usually would, and I got hit by a car.

Yes, it happened that fast. No dramatizing, no cliche-ness. It happened on the spot, right there.

So apparently the driver was texting while driving, and didn't notice that he had veered off the road, step on the gas too much, and rammed into my body. Stupid driver. I mean, I do that sometimes too- text and drive- but I'm not that stupid to actually drive into someone.

When I got hit, blood pooling around me- 'Ouch- shit, god that hurts'- the driver oh-so-helpfully just ran towards me, knelt down, and hovered over me. He didn't even call an ambulance! So when he asked if "oh my god, are you okay?"

I managed to wheeze out "fuck you" and point my middle finger up at him.

Oh, the look on his ugly face was priceless.

If my friends were here right now I bet they would be laughing their asses off if I were not dying. But then again, they would probably still laugh anyways.

But. Seeing his reaction on my death.

So worth it. No regrets.

After that? Nope, no shining light. It just felt and looked as dark as when I closed my eyes after I died. Couldn't even see any of my body parts. I wonder if I can move my arm like this-


"!!! ahjfgsk:l,...."

"Do you want to be reborn?

"Yeah sure why not?"

"Then you shall be."

So I was. Damn, everything was moving fast today. No pauses at all! I was okay with it though. I moved fast, so why would it ever bother me?

I snapped back to reality and saw what was around me.

"Wow that guy was NOT kidding."

I was still blurry about what was going on, but I heard "Congratulations! It's a girl!". So I assumed I was reborn. I was handed to many different hands and finally I was wrapped in a pink cloth, nestled in the arms of someone. By the sounds of panting, that person had gone through something very tiring- like give birth! (To me!)

"Oh my sweet child..."

I looked up to see a very very very pretty woman. Her looks were pretty common- shoulder length dark brown hair with gold highlights, dark blue eyes, pale skin, but oh, oh her smile. It was so beautiful. So bright. It lit up her whole face, even though she looked tired. It, she seemed timeless, she looked so old and wise and young and bright at the same time.

"My dear child..."

I soon fell asleep, thoughts of her smile in my mind, with her cradling me so carefully.


I don't know how long it has been since I fell asleep cradled in my mother's arms, but I knew something.

That she was going to leave me for the rest of my life.

I wasn't that sad, I didn't know her well after all. But then I heard her talking to me.

"Listen my child, listen. I am sorry. I cannot bring you back with me, I simply cannot risk it. Your father, he is dangerous. He would abuse you and not understand how fragile you are."

It was true, I was a baby after all.

"I will try my very best to keep you safe from any harm, I promise. I will be your shield, taking any hits for you. But promise me, that if I am not there for you, be strong."

She laughed quietly.

"Oh who am I kidding, you are my bambino, of course you will be! And your name. I am not worthy. I believe that a mother who gives her child a name must be the one to take care of her, and be by her child's side. Promise me that you will give this privilege of naming you to someone who does."

Then there was silence.

"I....... I'm so very, very, so very sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you bambino."

She nearly broke down crying. Nearly. She walked to the adoption center's office. Before she let me go, she kissed me on my forehead.

"I love you."

I smiled as a response, a grateful smile. Her eyes widened a bit with surprise, but soon recovered and she gave a smile back. Slowly, she turned around and walked away.

I must say, she was as wise as she looked. She knew that I would be in greater danger if she had brought me home. So she let go of the thing that she had created, something that most loving mothers could not do. I admire that.

But I admired something else of her even more.

Never, not even once did she ever cry. No, not even a single tear.

'I promise. I promise I will be as strong as you."


Well, this is it for the first chapter! I'm new on this community so I don't really know how things work here.
Also her mom will not come into the story much. I'm sorry.

Thanks for reading and please tell me what you thought about this chapter!

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