An entrance well done

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Huff... huff....

'How in hell's name did it escalate to this?'

Bang. Screech.

'Okay, yeah, I ain't going that way-- fuck, this way's blocked too.'


I snapped my head around, immediately turning on my heel to run towards the brunnette as I ignored the two enemy members behind me burning to death by sky flames. 'Praise the almighty Tsuna, hallejujah.' I would've probably died somewhere in the building if he didn't find me. Running towards him, he immediately pulled my into a bone crushing hug.

"Ohmygod, are you okay? I was so scared, ohmygod, you're safe--"

"Yes, Tsuna, I'm safe. It's fine. Now get off and go save your teammates' asses. I can handle myself." I said, pushing him away. He stared openly at me.

"No way am I leaving you alone again, what if you--"

"Tsuna. I said go and help their asses. Got it? Now." I half-glared at him, giving him the directions to whoever I saw needed help the most.

"Besides, I wont die." In any case, I've died once already by a car crash, so bullets wont hurt as much. I thought drily. As the little tuna ran off, I sighed. 'Even though I said that...'

Running off, I tried to find an escape route out of the building. It was big, and this was my first time being here. Actually, everyone was dragged along to do what, I didn't know, but this and that happened, we were ambushed by two rival famiglias and this chaos of a gunfight happened. All I knew was that I currently couldn't do anything, and Tsuna couldn't be fussing over me, a mere civilian. He needed to help his famiglia. Put it basically; I was a total burden as a civilian and I needed to get the fuck out before the enemy found me.

"Hey! There's the kid!"


I completely gave up, letting them drag me along a few hallways and through a few doors, and finally to an unknown room, which was in front of a walkway where one could see the grand hall a few floors below. They threw me across the room, and totally ignored me as I played dead.

"So, what do we do with this little girl? Ain't she a regular citizen?"

Thwack. "Steve, she's Decimo's girl!"

"Oh.... wait, he's a lolicon?!"

Thwack. Crash. Sigh. "This guy's gonna be the death of us..."

I tried to not grin. These were my kidnappers, but they sounded like they were on crack. Especially this Steve guy.

"Anyways, tie her up--"

"Woah, leader! I didn't know you were into that kinda stuff!"

Groan. "Steve!"

"Like I was saying, before a certain idiot interrupted..."

"Ouch, that hurt!" Laugh.

"Tie her up. We'll leave her here, and if this mission is aborted, get her. At least we'll have a ransom."

I felt footsteps approach me, and rough ropes tightened around my wrists, and wait-- 'only a single knot? They're damn loose too...'

"Get out of here as soon as we leave. You owe me a favour now." Someone whispered in my ear before getting up. "Alright, leader, I'm done~" 'This Steve guy?'

"Okay. Let's leave." Hearing the click of the door opening and closing, I freed myself of the binds easily. Going out of the room, I tried not to get caught and peeked over the balcony. The small members of the Vongola were being outnumbered... but they looked as if they were ready to die for the sake of the Vongola. 'Tsuna, you have a damn good famiglia. Appreciate it.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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