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He's feeling extremely guilty about the death of the patient earlier,he knows he shouldn't be feeling guilty about it since it's not any fault of his. But because of the fact that he was supposed to be the one to conduct the surgery, the guilt couldn't leave him.

He was still incredibly pissed just thinking about it,he swore to find justice for the dead man,he wasn't been cocky but he knew that if he were the one to conduct that surgery the patient would've survived, yeah he was that confident, especially when it had to do with 'Cardiac Tamponade', that was what got him famous in his third year as an Intern.

"What the hell." He cursed under his breath, he's currently on his way home and he seemed to have ran into someone or rather someone ran into his car.

"Who wants to commit suicide, running into my car like that." He muttered quiet annoyed since he's already having a bad day, and stepped out of the vehicle.

"Sweet Jesus!" He exclaimed quite shocked at the sight that graced him.

A man,a bloodied man to be exact,was lying before his car completely still. He was completely covered in blood and what seemed like bullet holes, he bent down and checked the man's pulse, breathing in relief, thankful that he's still breathing but shallowly.

He stood up debating if he should leave him there and call an ambulance or take him with him to his house and treat him there himself since he had a mini hospital at home but something was gnawing at him, warning him that this man is dangerous, it's not on a daily basis you see someone covered in blood and bullet wounds on the side of the road and it isn't totally normal to run into one.

He looked at the man again, he couldn't make out his face since apparently he was masked, which got him curious, but he was aware that curiosity isn't always a good thing.

It's always at times like this that he hates his indecisiveness. This strange and mysterious man here might be a criminal, so taking him home might be inviting a Lion into the house but the hospital is quite far and he couldn't delay seeing that the man is loosing lots of blood,he closed his eyes and took a deep breath blaming himself for being too kind.

Cursing silently under his breath,he approached the man, lifted him, ignoring the electricity coursing through his veins at the contact and carried the man to his car, placing him at the back seat,he went back to the place to make sure none of the man's belongings dropped while he carried him, finding nothing, he went to the driver's seat, called his assistant right before turning on the ignition and leaving the place immediately.

Driving into his parking lawn,he spotted his assistant's car which was expected considering he lives just two streets away. Turning off the engine,he came down, seeing his assistant coming down the front door.

"Driving here was unnecessary, you could've walked here."

"You said it was urgent."

"It is, let's carry him inside."

Opening the backseat, Jeogin screamed in a high pitched tone"Jesus Christ."

Felix thanked God that he lives alone and have no neighbors and the only house could be found two blocks away.

"Shush man, let's get him inside,he have lost lots of blood." He chided him.

Once inside the house, he got to work immediately. He brought his Aluminum case containing his surgical instruments and went into one of the rooms used for operating on patients in his house. On getting inside the blue lit room, the stranger was lying completely still with an 'Anesthesia Machine' connected to him, Jeogin beside him recording his stats. He went towards the stranger, hesitating, but later gathered enough courage and stretched his hand towards the stranger's face pulling off the mask,it was necessary for him to pull it off in order to treat him properly.

Immediately he felt like his breath was knocked out of him, time seemed to have stopped, to say that the man is breathtaking is a severe understatement,he was ravishingly gorgeous, with plump lips asking to be devoured. Felix's insides were in shambles.

"Damn Felix, this is what you call beauty." Jeogin exclaimed as if Felix didn't already know that. To the young doctor, this is the most gorgeous male he has ever seen and trust him,he has seen a lot of good looking males,he even works with the best good-looking males, but this one right here before his eyes was something out of this world, with a shake of his head,he snapped himself out of his reverie feeling like he was spelled.

But the doctor knew not to get carried away by his visually endowed physique cause he knows that men of this caliber are trouble and judging by the state he found him in,he was almost sure he didn't guess wrongly.

"Ok Dr Yang, let's get to work." He uttered noticing that the patient is loosing more blood.

"Yes Sir!." The Assistant answered him, quickly switching to professional mood himself.

Immediately they got to work, Felix requested for a glove, put on a mask, his assistant doing the same, both of them wearing a green overall 'Scrub' that is tied to their backs and the surgery began.

After what seemed to be an eternity, while in reality it's only been three hours, they were finally done with Jeogin stitching him up.

"He's lucky, the wound didn't go in deep despite the fact that the bullet that got him injured was a'Jacketed hollow point bullet, which seems to have been shot by 'Smith and Wesson 500 X-Frame Revolver with 500S&W Magnum Cartridge'". Dr Lee spoke up after taking off the bloodied gloves, noticing that his voice has gone an octave deeper from not speaking for too long.

"That's a very dangerous move, I must say". Dr Yang noted, stitching up the last open wound and examining the patient.

"Hmmm". Dr Lee hummed going through the patients statistics. "By the way Jeogin, Thank you for coming over, I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help". He was very grateful, really.

"Oh please Felix, you know it's my job".

"But this doesn't involve the hospital, and you're only my assistant in the hospital premises, outside of that, you're my best friend". The young doctor said smiling.

"It's an honor". He wasn't lying though, because most people in that hospital would give their lives just to be friends with Felix and here he was being called his best friend, to him it was truly an honor.

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