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"Who told you to attack him." A voice growled sending shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot, making the people kneeling before him tremble in fear, none of them having the nerve to utter a word.

"I sent you there to try and poach him to join us, and what did you do? you attacked him instead, now great, how're we going to win him over. Bang Christopher has his sight set on him, y'all have ruined the chance we had to get him on our side." He barked furiously.

"Go and get Sky for me, he's the only one who knows how to get something done neatly and without complications, I should've sent him instead, y'all are utterly useless." He huffed.

After sometime Sky came and stood in front of his boss.

"Sir, you called for me". He said bowing.

"Yeah,any leads on 'Abaddon' ". The Boss inquired.

"Yes Sir, I found out about his current location".

"I knew I could count on you, hurry up and tell me where he is, this time, I'll be sending you to him, try convincing him somehow before Bang gets his hands on him".

Sky sighed"Sir! it's going to be difficult to get to him".

"Why's that". The Boss frowned.

"He ran into your brother, who was on his way home and knowing your brother's nature, do you think he would leave him alone in that state all bruised, knowing there's something he could do to help him".

"So you're trying to tell me that 'Abaddon' is under the same roof with my brother?". He asked to be sure he heard right and not his ear deceiving him.

"Yes Sir." Sky nodded.

"When will my brother learn,did he think just because he's a doctor, he have to save every single person he sees". He was exasperated.

But he knows pretty well that there's absolutely nothing he can do to change his brother's nature. He just hopes that 'Abaddon' doesn't hurt him. That's what everyone calls him, nobody has ever seen his face and no one knows his real name as well.

Meanwhile in a place very far from The Headquarters of 'The Velvet Serpents' a man could be heard laughing like a maniac.

"Hahahaha, this is so ironic, so the velvets serpents went to attack Abaddon, when they're trying to make him join their side, this is a good opportunity for us to make our move and try to get Abaddon on our side". He said with glee almost jumping around.

"Call me Peter, he needs to help me find the location of Abaddon".

Peter was soon seen standing before his Boss.

"Sir, you sent for me".

"Yes, help me track down Abaddon".

"I've already done that Sir".

"Oh, you always think ahead, go ahead and tell me what you found".

"It's not good Sir, he's currently under the roof of Dr Lee, Lee Minho's brother".

"What!". He exclaimed standing up on his feet with immediate effect.

"Apparently,he ran into him all bruised and injured,so he took him home to treat him". Peter explained.

"Why his house though and not the hospital, which would've been logical". He was puzzled.

"Maybe because his house is closer and he seemed to have lost lots of blood from what I saw, and you know Dr Lee is too kind for his own good, he won't leave him there to wait for an ambulance, his conscience would bother him". Peter sighed.

"We don't know of the reason behind his decision, but the reason why we have been living in peace and harmony all this years is simply because of that treaty that was signed years ago,we promised Lee Minho not to get his brother involved in our war and rivalry,we can't break that promise or Minho will go berserk and by then war is sure to ensue". The Boss sighed quite frustrated, his smile long gone and his laughter had died down.

"Well we'll have to wait for Abaddon to leave the house then, since we can't get into Dr Lee's house". Peter suggested.

"Would he want to leave though, if I were the one who has enemies surrounding him, well I do have enemies surrounding me, but that's beside the point, I would probably hide and never come out anymore".

"I don't think he'll like to stay if he finds out about Dr Lee's identity as Lee Minho's brother, he's going to be suspicious, thinking he was sent by Lee Minho to poach him to their side. So we still have a chance to turn things around and get him to side with us. We just have to play our cards right and everything will just fall in place". Peter reasoned articulately.

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