Naruto vs Kisame

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A couple of minutes ago
Kisame and Itachi met up with Yagura. Yagura asked Kisame and Itachi to extract information out of Ao and the other resistance members.

Back to present
Kisame and Itachi arrive at the black Habor to see the chaos.

Mei and Ao panicked as they saw the former Mist swordsman and the Leaf's Kinslayer.

Kisame smirked as he saw their fearful expressions. Itachi payed them no mind as he looked at his otouto.


''Hello to you too Naruto

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''Hello to you too Naruto." Itachi

"So this is the Nine-Tails jinchuriki. Naruto Uzumaki. Aren't you a little far from home." Kisame

Naruto ignored Kisame.

"What brings you here Naruto. I doubt that the third Hokage would you send you here." Itachi

''I am here to kill Yagura and that masked Uchiha who's controlling him." Naruto

"He wants to kill Yagura and Madara" Kisame thought

"How does he know about Madara." Itachi thought

"Judging by the look on your faces you guys know that man." Naruto

"This is bad why are they here." Mei thought

"If these three clash. The aftermath will be catastrophic." Ao thought

Naruto touched his face. As Naruto did this he released a ton of curse energy.

Itachi responded by activating his Susanoo. He conjured apart of it along with the Yata Mirror.

Idol Transfiguration: Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing" Naruto

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Idol Transfiguration: Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing" Naruto

Idol Transfiguration: Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing" Naruto

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