49. Wen Zhihao, resident qi-counselor?

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After seeing Wang Li Wei’s continued stunned state, Wen Zhihao “kindly” took Wang Li Wei’s hand and helped him pet the kitten. The kitten meowed cutely.

“Yes, just like that,” Wen Zhihao coaxed him until Wang Li Wei began to automatically stroke the kitten. “That sound means that the kitten likes you.”

Wang Li Wei’s brain slowly started moving again, shifting from fear to befuddlement. N-nothing happened? He wasn’t attacked and mauled?

Due to his confusion, his qi began to naturally follow Wen Zhihao’s cadence, which in turn adjusted his breathing. Anxious and heavy thoughts flowed away, replaced with the mechanical rhythm of petting the demonic beast in his arms to ensure that it remained happy.

The soft fur under Wang Li Wei’s hands made him feel as though something soft was brushing against his heart. These small feelings were very unfamiliar.

The corner of Wen Zhihao’s lips quirked up. Aiyo, another tsundere? Don’t tell me that it’s Zhang Wu’s influence… Putting such speculative thoughts aside, Wen Zhihao asked, “Now tell me, why did Wang-shixiong seek me—a non-combat talisman cultivator—to fight?”

Wang Li Wei roused himself enough to glare. “You used to be a sword cultivator. Have you forgotten all your skills already? After that day, my friends kept asking me whether or not I have heart demons! Of course I don’t!”

Sun Fuyu gave Wang Li Wei a dark look and said, “But surely you knew that Wen-ge is no longer a sword cultivator. And still technically an outer sect disciple. Don’t you think your actions would become a dark mark on your reputation?”

Sun Fuyu had no good feelings for Wang Li Wei at all. It was only out of respect for his Wen-ge that he didn’t propose another duel to crush Wang Li Wei.

“Didn’t you say your grandfather was that Elder Wang?” Wen Zhihao recalled.

At that, Wang Li Wei’s face went pale. If he had defeated Wen Zhihao and Sun Fuyu, there would have been no problems. The Sect would look the other way at such ‘training’ duels, and his position among his friends would have solidified and he would have washed away his black history regarding Wen Zhihao.

But he had lost against Sun Fuyu. They may be both Golden Core now, but Sun Fuyu wasn’t Golden Core when they started the fight.

How poor was he that he lost against a Foundation Building1 cultivator? How poor was he that his opponent had the opportunity to cultivate during the battle?

And he knew full well that that reputation was the single most important thing in his grandfather’s eyes.

Wang Li Wei started to shiver. Would he be thrown in tortuous training? Would he be pushed aside in the family? Would his parents prefer to adopt another son than have him as their child?

Wen Zhihao’s brows creased as Wang Li Wei’s state deteriorated. In a coaxing tone, he said, “The pressure from an elder can be overwhelming, especially when they want you to be the best even though they weren’t. Don’t take their words unconditionally. Examine their own hypocrisies.”

Wang Li Wei’s eyes were red. “What are you talking about? My grandfather is one of the best cultivators! By my age, he was already at Late-stage Golden Core!”

“At your age, Senior Lin Yijun had broken into Nascent Soul,” Sun Fuyu pointed out. “Each stage is exponentially harder than the previous.”

Wen Zhihao nodded, pretending he knew who Senior Lin Yijun was.

“Everything you say will be confidential,” Wen Zhihao said. He patted Wang Li Wei gently on the shoulder. “I’ll listen carefully.”

At the soft touch and the coaxing voice, Wang Li Wei broke down. “I’m a disgrace!”

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