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Exciting news! I'm thrilled to reveal the fabulous categories awaiting your storytelling magic

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Exciting news! I'm thrilled to reveal the fabulous categories awaiting your storytelling magic. From heartwarming tales to epic adventures, each category is a celebration of diverse voices. Join us on this cosmic journey, spread literary cheer, and let's make the world brighter with your extraordinary stories.
Stay tuned for the delightful categories - it's time to embark on an adventure of words!


Main Genres

Fantasy (Full)

Mystery/ Thriller (Full)

Romance (Full)

Adventure (2/10)

Science fiction (4/10)

Horror (1/10)

Short story (8/10)

Young adult (4/10)

Fanfiction (Full)

Poetry (4/10)

Other genres (8/10)

Special Categories

Best Cover (Full)

Best Blurb (Full)

Best Title (Full)

Best First Chapter (Full)

Best Aesthetics (Full)

Remember, only 10 books per genre and 5 per special category, ensuring a diverse yet manageable collection for your celestial reading adventure! 🚀📖✨

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