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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

"You seem like a smart one. Don't tell Jiwoo 'kay?"



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𝙽𝚘 𝙾𝚗𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

'Fvck' Y/n cursed as she walked down the dimly lit alleyway. There just had to be a power outage in the area she takes whenever she got back from school. Considering how some workers were already fixing it up, it probably happened a few hours ago.

"Sometimes I regret skipping a few grades..." Y/n mumbled as she took out her phone

To: Big Brother

Just finished school. Omw home.

"Jiwoo must be asleep now..." Y/n mumbled as she stretched her arms. "Maybe I should request to switch classes... It's bothersome to go home pass midnight."

Y/n Lee // Outer
Unknown Rank //  Mage // Light

Y/n Lee a half korean transfer student from the America, after once again being put to danger Cassian sent her off to Korea in order to leive a peaceful life without having any villains hunt her down in attempt to end her brother.

It's been quite peaceful for the past to years. After all this neighborehood didn't seem to have any villains what so ever, heck she hardly saw any psykers. But from what she heard their was actually a vilzone just outside this teritory.

"...Jiwoo?" Y/n called upon seeing a familiar cream color hair. Although you could hardly see it as he was wearing a cap. It also looked like he was in a rush


"What are you doing out?" Y/n asked walking towards the male and finally seeing the injured cat in arms.

"Is he okay?" Y/n asked in worry as her eyes quickly examined the cat.

"Y-yeah. I found him while I was on a walk."

"At this hour?"

"I... Uhm... couldn't sleep"

Raising a brow at the male's unusual behaviour. Y/n shrugged it off and shifted her attention to the injured cat in the male's arms. It was covered in blood.

"Let's get home. The vet must be closed, I'll treat him."

"Oh okay." Jiwoo answered in a determined voice as they rushed their way home.

'Should I heal the poor guy?' Y/n thought. Jiwoo didn't really know of her powers. After all both Cassian and Jeff told her to hide her powers just in case. The only time she could use them was in a life-and-death situation.

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