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22 years ago

"Please don't do this, baby. I made a mistake, and it was years ago. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me," pleaded Barrett Scott. The audience, which included James Scott, observed the scene. James, sitting by the fireplace with a cigar in hand, narrowed his eyes at his son, who had made a significant mistake by cheating on his wife, Carla. The truth had surfaced in the form of a red-haired angel with blue eyes left on their doorstep, accompanied by signed parental rights for Barrett.

As James shifted his gaze from his son's desperate apology to his wife, he couldn't ignore her flaws. A high-society woman driven by financial motives, Carla had realized Barrett's lack of influence in the family and business. Despite her shortcomings, she had a legitimate reason to leave today and take half of her fool husband's meager assets.

The woman observed the child in a yellow dress with red hair, ironically holding a little mermaid toy. Ariel, James' newly discovered granddaughter, had big blue eyes that resonated with the Scott family. Beautiful yet scared, she sought affection and warmth that James knew she wouldn't find in this home, especially from his no-good son.

James had already resolved that if his son failed to step up as a responsible father to his child, he would fill that role himself. He wouldn't allow the child to suffer under Barrett's neglect. Uncertain about where he went wrong in raising his son, James viewed this as a precious second chance at fatherhood that he intended to cherish.

Before taking any action, James wanted to witness Barrett's reaction to the child. This strategic distance was crucial; any indication that he was ready to take responsibility might prompt his son to retreat. James was determined not to give him an excuse to back away from his responsibilities as a father to Ariel.

Observing the scene unfold, the elder Scott smirked to himself. Barrett's desperate pleas to his money-focused wife revealed an ulterior motive - safeguarding shares and properties gifted by his father over the years. As the drama unfolded, James kept a watchful eye, prepared to step in for the little girl's sake. The farmhouse and penthouse, given to Barrett as considerate gifts during graduation and marriage, were now potential bargaining chips in this tumultuous family drama.

"No", Carla's shrill voice cut through, "No, Barry, I cannot stay here like this. What have I not done for you? I gave up everything. I gave up my job. I gave up my modeling career just for you. And just because I did not give you a child, I told you that we could get a surrogate. But you went and cheated away and then created this little witch here. God knows what kind of tramp her mother was." Carla made a face of disgust toward the little child, who couldn't comprehend the lady's harsh words.

James's fist tightened, a surge of protectiveness coursing through him. The woman dared to bad-mouth his innocent four-year-old granddaughter, and he couldn't bear to have Carla in his house any longer. Despite his seething anger, James restrained himself, aware that any interference might give his son an excuse to shirk his responsibilities as a father.

The argument dragged on for another thirty agonizing minutes, until finally, Carla stormed out. Barrett, glancing longingly at the door, caught her parting shot: "My lawyer will be in touch, Barry. I hope you won't consent to the alimony I'm asking for. Infidelity can lead to many complications, and I can build quite the case against you, especially considering your particular bedroom preferences." James wrinkled his nose in disgust at the gratuitous mention of his son's personal life.

With that, Barrett turned to face his father, and then his gaze shifted to another individual - the little person, his daughter. Strikingly resembling him, save for her hair, she embodied all his features. His blue eyes, inherited through generations, framed the shape of his face, nose, and lips, down to a small mole just above her upper lip. In different circumstances, he might have regarded her with love and awe. However, today, this little being had cost him half of whatever little he possessed.

His father, disapproving of his perceived irresponsibility, had already denied him any shares in the company. All that remained in his possession were two modest properties and a handful of shares in their multinational corporation. Carla, the woman he begrudgingly had a child with, aimed to claim half of his assets solely because of their daughter's existence. Despite lacking solid evidence of his infidelity beyond the child, Carla's presence incurred significant financial consequences, fueling his resentment towards the innocent girl. Approaching her under James' watchful gaze, Barrett found himself unable to return the child's smile.

She reached her tiny hands upward, "Daddy up," a simple plea for her father to lift her. Having never known the presence of a father figure, she was both saddened by her mother's absence and thrilled to finally meet her dad after her mom explained a few days ago that she would be staying with him while her mom visited God. Her mom often told her that she resembled her father. However, Barrett made no move to pick her up. Instead, he leaned down, pointing a warning finger. "You don't call me daddy," he declared.

Ariel's nose scrunched up in confusion, her brows knitting together as she tried to make sense of Barrett's words. With a puzzled expression, she raised her small shoulders, her voice innocent and sincere, "But you my daddy, Mommy say." Barrett's voice rose in response, his tone firm and commanding, "I am not your daddy. You do not call me daddy." The forcefulness in his words caused Ariel's eyes to well up with tears, her lower lip trembling in distress. Barrett closed his eyes momentarily, grappling with the conflicting emotions stirring within him. Speaking to his own daughter in such a harsh manner felt inherently wrong, yet the deep-seated resentment he harbored seemed to overpower any sense of tenderness.

As Ariel whispered, "Daddy angwy," Barrett regarded her with narrowed eyes, a flicker of realization crossing his features. Softening his tone, he addressed her with a gentler demeanor, "Let me make it clear, kiddo. Daddy will never be angry with you, but you mustn't call him Daddy. Instead, call me Barrett, and always listen to what daddy says." Ariel's tear-stained face brightened at the prospect of a resolution, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope. She understood that her father's happiness hinged on a simple request – not to be called daddy. With a trembling smile, she nodded in agreement, her voice soft but filled with determination, "Otay, Bawwett."

Barrett's gaze lingered on Ariel for a few moments, his mind swirling with contemplation, before he finally turned and departed without addressing the impending questions about his daughter's arrangements. The logistics of her stay, her sleeping arrangements, or even her meals seemed to hold little importance to him at that moment. With unwavering confidence, Barrett assumed that his father would take charge of such matters.

Despite the tumultuous circumstances and the undeniable strain Ariel had placed on him, Barrett couldn't deny the undeniable truth: she was his daughter. Though her presence had come at a high cost, he couldn't shake the realization that she held potential, perhaps even serving as a means to unlock future opportunities. In his mind, Ariel represented a key to the treasure cave, a valuable asset that could potentially pave the way for his ambitions.

 In his mind, Ariel represented a key to the treasure cave, a valuable asset that could potentially pave the way for his ambitions

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