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Ariel basked in the sheer delight that enveloped her, the euphoria so intense that it seemed to defy gravity. Standing before the mirror, she couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant red waves that adorned her head, a distinctive feature that had shaped her identity and earned her the name Ariel. Each lock, meticulously curled to perfection, cascaded down to her waist, an embodiment of both pride and sentiment. Despite the occasional trims, which inevitably brought forth tears, Ariel held a deep-seated affection for her luscious, red tresses. Now, at the age of 26, they flowed gracefully to her hips, creating a captivating tableau when paired with curls, delicate baby's breath flowers, and a veil that framed her face in a vision of bridal elegance.

Draped in an elaborate lace mermaid gown with long sleeves, Ariel felt a happiness that transcended ordinary joy. This moment stood as the second happiest in her 26 years, the first being the day she fulfilled her dream of opening a dance studio three years ago. The air around her hummed with excitement, friends and, notably, her best friend Annie, marveling at the ethereal beauty before them. Ariel possessed a unique confidence, not only in her physical appearance but also in her achievements and relentless dedication to maintaining her physique. Recognizing the genetic blessings from her physically stunning parents, Ariel had always embraced her innate beauty, yet today felt like the zenith of that acceptance.

It wasn't merely the meticulously chosen dress, the intricately styled hair, the carefully applied makeup, or even the resplendent ruby gracing her left ring finger, a symbol of her fiancé's heartfelt proposal. No, what elevated Ariel's sense of beauty to unprecedented heights was the imminent journey down the aisle. In just a few moments, she would be walking toward the love of her life, her knight in shining armor, Adrian Carlton. A man characterized by his beauty, compassion, and care. This anticipation, the knowledge that she was about to unite her life with his, rendered her the most beautiful woman on earth in her own eyes.

Half a year ago, Adrian burst into Ariel's life like a powerful storm, bringing with him a wave of positivity that reshaped her world. This transformation didn't stem from a fundamental dissatisfaction; she had been navigating life's ups and downs with a sense of contentment. Her journey was marked by moments of both happiness and sadness, yet she managed to find balance despite the lingering loss of her departed mother and the strained relationship with a father who found it challenging to express affection.

The woman had yearned for the day when her father, Barrett, would look at her with love in his eyes and express pride in her achievements. A kiss on the forehead, a tight hug, or even a simple word of compassion - these were the gestures she hoped for, a longing that persisted despite her otherwise extroverted nature. Paradoxically, her sociable demeanor often left people uncomfortable, impeding her efforts to forge lasting friendships or romantic relationships.

Yet, amidst these complexities, there existed a steadfast pillar in Ariel's life- her grandfather, James Scott

James, the epitome of handsomeness, served as her best friend, father figure, and confidant. From her earliest memories, he showered her with pampering and instilled in her a sense of being on top of the world. As the family dynamics unraveled with the revelation of her father's identity, Barrett's emotional distance further emphasized James's role as the true paternal figure. He was the one who admitted her into school, attended PTA meetings, funded her education, and stood by her side at every significant event-from the inauguration of her dance school to annual functions and dance recitals.

In the intricate tapestry of Ariel's life, James stood as a towering figure, filling the voids left by her mother's absence and her father's emotional distance. He was her anchor, the steadfast presence that guided her through life's unpredictable currents. His love and support provided the stability she craved, grounding her in times of turbulence and uncertainty.

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