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saltburn was filled with a ton of people prepping the house up with things such as decorations, ice sculptures, tables and more

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saltburn was filled with a ton of people prepping the house up with things such as decorations, ice sculptures, tables and more. it was oliver's birthday.

the day of his party. he awoke early in the morning with felix wishing him a happy birthday telling him a surprise awaits for him.

oliver quickly got ready heading downstairs bumping into alexandra who flashed him a smile. she slid him a tiny gift before felix made it down the stairs.

looking back smiling wholeheartedly, oliver slide it in his pocket. the two of them then made their way over to his parents house.....

there was no getting out of it this time. felix was determined to make sure oliver made things right with his mother. she called a few weeks ago. history was repeating itself: oliver left his phone in the bathroom so felix picked up finding out he hasn't talked to her in a long time

as they pulled into the driveway felix lit his eyes up at the beautiful house, a gardener was outside assisting to the plants that needed care

he playfully hit oliver on his arm, "mate, this is splendid. she has obviously cleaned herself up."

oliver felt a big lump in his throat but forced himself to speak, "can you please just stay out here?" he begged

felix quickly turned the car off opening his door glancing over at oliver, "i'm not leaving you mate." he stated clearly making oliver shudder

his body language showed fear, they both eventually got out heading towards the side door of the house. felix walked ahead of oliver who was hesitant of what was about to occur

his finger scanned across the tiny 'gone fishin' sign hung up on the brick wall. felix caught himself faintly smiling walking up to the glass door, oliver slowly following in behind him standing next to him nervously

his mother opened up the door excited to see her son, "oliver!! you're alive!!" his mother exclaimed in excitement as his little sister olivia ran up to them and smiled

"ollie!!" she yelled happily. flabbergasted recognizing olivia from the festival plus seeing that his mother was healthy and fine, felix quickly looked over at oliver angrily who side eyed him as his mother and sister pulled him into comforting hugs that he didn't want to accept

his mother and olivia then wished him a happy birthday, revealing his father was in the backyard which took felix for an even deeper loophole.

it all was a lie. oliver's backstory from his father dying to him being an only child and his parents being addicts. felix hid his disappointment well from his family.

he couldn't understand why oliver would lie. he comes from a nice family. it was apparent to felix from their short interaction that his family is good people, oliver was obviously nothing like them....

felix was walking down the hallway with oliver calling after him constantly. "felix look." oliver said nicely but he kept walking

"felix please!! felix let me just explain—-" he attempted to grab his arm but felix gently yanked away from oliver having the courage to finally face the lying boy

"i think the best thing is that you go home after your party. it's too late to cancel it now and summer's almost finished anyway, so i think we'll have your party tonight... and i'll see you back at oxford." felix suggested calmly with oliver looking worryingly at him

"we can still be friends though? i mean we're going to laugh about this. i—i don't even know why i said it. it's just a stupid thing to say—" oliver said trying to lighten the mood but felix was all stares with seriousness marked on his face

"no it's fucking weird is what it is mate. i mean i don't even know where to start, i mean you're a fucking liar ollie." felix said in disbelief

he looked at him clearly hurt about all of it, "why would you lie?" felix asked maybe hoping for a clear answer. oliver looked down with sad eyes

then something clicked in felix's brain, "wait a minute, did... did alexandra know that was your sister when we were at the festival?" he asked

"no, she didn't know." oliver quickly spoke, "i told her who she was when she ran off to find us." he explained making felix look at him with even more disappointment

"wait a minute, did you lie to her too?" felix asked. oliver stammered nervously not knowing whether to tell the truth or keep lying but he figured felix would go ask alexandra himself if he wasn't honest

oliver blinked consciously, "i've told her about my sister and parents." oliver quietly said biting his lip

felix breathed heavily, "but yet you lied to me?"

silence lingered through the hallway. felix kept getting hit with more information that was making him look at oliver in a completely different way

"for Christ sakes ollie!! and you being a top scholar at oxford? alexandra went out on a limp for you recommending you'd get that scholarship to the board of oxford. she didn't have to do that but she did!!" felix revealed loudly

oliver started to become fearful, "i just wanted to be your friend." he said looking down at felix's shoes

"please tell me you aren't going to tell your family or alexandra are you?"

"of course not!! fucking hell it's dark enough as is!" felix voiced before walking off leaving oliver in the hallway by himself

oliver then went to his room falling to his knees, gripping onto his sheets crying uncontrollably. everything was getting out of hand

i was considering posting another chapter in a few days but seeing as i left you guys on a cliffhanger... i decided to post this now because that would be evil to make you guys wait. but IT WAS A DREAM GUYS. alexandra is beginning to have nightmares about felix, i had to scare you guys for a second hahahahaha

but on a positive note, 72K reads??? I LOVE YOU ALL. i feel like i'm posting too frequently, should i start posting chapters on a weekly basis or maybe every two or three days? let me know! your opinions matter to me!! i love you all, thank you again🤍

saltburn - oliver quick - felix cattonWhere stories live. Discover now