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(Sorry if there's any mistake; English isn't my first language!!!)

Kyle's POV

9 PM

I'm lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling.

Okay, tomorrow is still Tuesday, which means I'll have to face Gary and Stan until Friday. Jesus Christ, this is gonna be so weird... it'll be like looking at two people who had leaked photos, did something awful, or just got out of prison. Of course, a kiss doesn't compare to any of that, but... you get it.

How do I look at them knowing I'm the only person who knows they kissed? And the worst part is, Gary doesn't know, and I hope he doesn't find out.

I really don't care about this, seriously, not at all. But I just didn't want them to become a couple. I mean, I don't mind them being gay, but gay for each other? That's just nonsense.

Gary just came back, and he managed to win over Stan so easily? It doesn't make sense; I've known him since kindergarten. Wait, not saying Stan should feel something for me, but I've been through so much more with him than he has with Gary, so...

I need to stop thinking, this isn't leading me down a good path. Plus, I couldn't care less about this. But if I did, it's okay to think about who your best friend is kissing, right? That's normal

I sigh, close my eyes, and try to go to sleep. That took longer than I expected, but I finally made it.

5 AM

I wake up to the sound of my alarm (which, by the way, sounds like a motorcycle), and I click "stop." I sit on the bed at 5 AM, pondering what I should do.

I take off my hat, since I sleep with it, and head to the bathroom. I don't even look at myself in the sink mirror; I just turn on the faucet and wash my face, and that's when I see my reflection.

Kyle: "Damn." I'm so ugly. I hate having curly hair; I wish I had my dad's hair. I take advantage of my wet hands to run them through my hair to see if it gets a bit "fixed." No, it's still the same crap. It makes total sense I ended up last on that damn list (even though I knew it was fake).

I brush my teeth, then remember what Stan told me yesterday – what a headache. I go back to the room and do what I have to do. Even though there are still 2 hours until class starts, I start studying. At least in that, I have to be better than... Forget it.

6:30 AM

I've already had my coffee; I guess I can head to the bus stop now. I sigh before walking through the door, trying to kill my anxiety. I leave home and walk to my destination – did those lovebirds go together again? Damn, I shouldn't think about that.

I reach the bus stop and see Kenny, Cartman, Stan, and... Gary again. Does he think he can join us?

Cartman: "Sup, Jew." Every day, same thing.

Kyle: "Sup, fatass. Sup, Kenny." I don't say hi to Stan because I feel like I shouldn't, but I can see him looking at me, expecting something.

Kenny: "Hummf-mmf (Hey, Kyle)."

Stan: "Hi, Kyle?" Didn't expect him to have the guts for that. I just wave without saying anything and keep my grumpy face.

Cartman: "Are you on your period, Kyle?" he says it sarcastically, and I prefer not to respond.

Cartman: "What's up? Got sand in your vagina again?" I stay quiet, just going to ignore him.

Cartman: "That's why no one loves you." My god, he's so fucking annoying.

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