Bed Ridden

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I practically shot out of bed in a cold sweat

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I practically shot out of bed in a cold sweat. I kept havin' awful dreams of Jesse dyin'. But every time I woke up Oliver was right there next to me, but this time he wasn't there and a ball of panic settled in my stomach. I looked around and I was in my room in my apartment, but there was no sign of Oliver. I got out of bed and looked around for him.


There was no response which caused more panic and fear to settle in my stomach. My apartment was not very big so how does one loose a six foot three blonde man? I looked out on the balcony and he wasn't there, my mind started to go to the worst places possible.

"Hey sunshine." A voice sounded behind me and it caused me to turn around. Oliver was standing in my living room with a soft smile on his lips, the urge to kiss him was unusually strong. I went to him and hugged him a little too tight.

"Hey, woah it's okay Gen. You're okay." he spoke softly as he rubbed my back.

"I couldn't find you.."

"I stepped outside to talk with your mom, she was worried about you. I told her when you woke up we would head over and go see Jesse but I wanted you to get as much sleep as you could."

"I thought something happened to you..."

"I'm sorry sunshine, I didn't mean to worry you. But I did make breakfast, are you hungry?" I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled softly and kissed my forehead. "Come on." I let him go and we went to the kitchen and he handed me a plate of pancakes with bananas and blueberries. I immediately dug in, I wanted to finish quickly so we could go see Jesse. I was halfway through when Oliver put his hand on my forearm.

"Slow down Gen, if you eat too fast you'll get sick. Jesse isn't going anywhere, I promise." I nodded and slowed down a little bit. After we finished breakfast we got ready and then left, headin' to my family's farm.

Once we arrived I wasted no time running inside, Oliver hot on my heels.


"Genevieve." my mother came around the corner and wrapped me up in one of her lovin' hugs. I didn't realized I needed her hugs until now. I practically melted in her arms. My brothers came in after her and I hugged them all.

"Where's Jesse?" I asked and my voice sounded a little frantic. I felt Oliver's hand at my back and it eased me.

"He's in your old room. He's been askin' to see you." I nodded and headed for the stairs but someone's hand caught mine. I turned and saw Ollie standing at the base of the stairs. I went back down and looked at him.

"Do you want me to come with you or do you want to go on your own?" He spoke soft enough that I'm pretty sure I was the only one who could hear him.

"Could you wait in the hallway..?"

"Of course I can." I gave him a nod and we went upstairs and down the hall to my old room. I saw Oliver stopped as I went into the room. Jesse was laying on a bed I've never seen before. His arm was in a sling and his foot was in a cast. I felt the air get knocked out of me slightly as I took him in.

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