Family First

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Last night I had the worst sleep I've ever had

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Last night I had the worst sleep I've ever had. I was tossing and turning all night and when I did finally sleep it was only in thirty minute increments. The only thing I had on my mind was Genevieve, wondering if she slept okay. I had just gotten back to my room from my morning run. After my shower I changed into clothes that I didn't mind getting dirty in. I was planning on helping Gen with her chores at the farm today. Once I was dressed and ready to go I went to her apartment. I knocked on her door and waited. That's weird, she usually answers by now. I knocked again and still no answer. I looked under the mat for a spare key but didn't find one. I pulled out my phone but after a few minutes of unanswered texts I called her. I was starting to worry when she didn't answer. I looked over the railing and her truck was still here. I looked around the door and reached up at the top of the frame and found the spare key. I unlocked her door and walked in.

"Genevieve?" I was greeted by silence. She wasn't in her living room or kitchen. I slowly opened the door to her room and saw her spread out across the bed. Pillows were on the floor and blankets hung off the edge of the bed. Her hair was a mess under her face and her lips parted slightly as she was peacefully sleeping. And I kid you not I have never seen anything more gorgeous in my life. I carefully lowered myself onto her bed next to her. I brushed a few strands of her hair out of her face.

"Good morning sunshine." I spoke softly, careful not to startle her. I slowly ran my fingers through her hair as she opened her eyes. I smiled softly watching her.

"Hi sweetheart." she groaned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.


"You were in a deep sleep." She nodded and I chuckled softly.

"Wait- how'd you get in here? I don't remember giving you a key."

"I used the spare."

"So you broke in?" I laughed as she sat up and looked at me.

"No I didn't break in."

"Oh well that's a shame 'cause I was going to say you're welcome to break in anytime." she gave me a sleepy smile and I couldn't resist the urge to lean forward and kiss her.

"Good to know." I told her with a smile and a wink. She smiled as a pink tint appeared on her cheeks. "Are you hungry?" she shook her head no.

"No, I want snuggles first."

"Well I can't argue with that request." I laid down next to her and she immediately moved closer and hugged my middle. I wrapped my arms around her in response and kissed her forehead.

"How'd ya sleep?" She mumbled in my shirt.

"Like crap. I couldn't get comfortable and when I did sleep it was only for a half hour."

"I couldn't sleep either. Guess that's why I was out hard earlier."

"Why couldn't you sleep?" I looked down at her.

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