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It was a beautiful bright summer day in Stardew Valley

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It was a beautiful bright summer day in Stardew Valley. I brought out a tray of lemonade out onto our back porch. It's been four years since we got married and five years since Gen and I have been together. It's been the best five years of my life. We've grown so much closer and stronger in our relationship. We've had our rough patches, but we came out on the other side together and stronger. I set the tray of lemonade on the table and handed Genevieve a glass.

"Thank you sweetheart." She smiled up at me. I smiled back and kissed the top of her head and then I kissed her seven month pregnant belly.

"Is baby craving anything today?" I asked my pregnant wife.

"Chicken and waffles." She smiled shyly

"Hey, Mirabelle do you want chicken and waffles for dinner?"

"Yes!" My three year old daughter shouted from the top of her playset. "Mommy! Watch me, watch me!"

"I'm watching!" My wife shouted. A few seconds later my daughter jumped down each of the steps of her playset and then landed on the ground.

"Ta da!"

"Woah! Look at you, you did so good." I went over to my giggling daughter and picked her up. I threw her up into the air and then caught her. She squealed and laughed. I threw her up a few different times. Afterwards I cradled her in my arms and tickled her tummy. She wiggled around in my arms and giggled trying to push my hand away.

"Daddy, stop! Ahh!" She continued giggling. I smiled and kissed her cheek before carrying her up on the porch, I set her down in her seat and gave her a lemonade. I heard the doorbell ring so I went inside and opened it. It was Gen's brothers and my cousin Benjamin.

"Hey guys! come on in."

"Where is my favorite niece?" Sawyer asked. I chuckled and pointed to the back door.

"On the porch drinking her lemonade." Sawyer left going outside and I could hear Mirabelle shout, "Uncle Sawyer!"

"She is adorable." Jesse smiled at me.

"Tell me about it, I'm already worried about her dating." Levi and Jesse laughed, heading outside.

"There's my favorite cousin!" Benjamin came up and hugged me while I chuckled.

"Hey Benjamin. How are you doing?"

"I am outstanding."

"Well would you like some outstanding lemonade?"

"I would love some." He smiled. I led the way onto the back porch. I looked out and Sawyer and Mirabelle were swinging on the swings together with Jesse behind Mirabelle pushing her. She still hasn't comprehended how to use her legs to swing. I gave Benjamin a glass of lemonade and he went and sat down.


I went to Genevieve, "Yes sunshine?"

"Can you help me up?" she held her hand out to me.

"Of course." I smiled and took her hand I helped her slowly get out of the chair and stand up.

"Oh man, baby didn't like that." Her face scrunched up as she held her belly.

"Aww I'm sorry honey." I rubbed her back and she leaned into my side.

"So do you know what this baby is going to be?" Levi asked from his seat on the porch swing.

"We want it to be a surprise." I explained, "But we both are hoping for a boy, but we'll be happy no matter what."

"Aww that's disgustingly adorable." Benjamin sang from his seat. I rolled my eyes as Genevieve giggled.

The boys stayed for dinner that night. Which meant they were on babysitting duty while I took Gen out on a last minute shopping spree. She wanted to get a few new outfits that baby and Mirabelle would match. Her brothers birthdays were just around the corner as well so she wanted to get them a few treats. We were on our last store before we headed home. I followed my wife up and down the aisles of the baby clothes sections. She picked out a few outfits and handed them to me. Ever since she got pregnant with baby number two I have become her personal carrier. I wouldn't have it any other way. I've found I get excited when she asks me to do something for her. She was very independent when we first got married but over time she's learned to ask me for help. I smiled to myself thinking about it all.

"What are you smilin' about?" Genevieve asked.

"I was just thinking about when we first got married." I took another outfit from her.

"Aww Ollie." She looked at me with those big bluebells and a pouty lip. The thing about this pregnancy, Gen has been a lot more emotional. I went up to her and kissed her cheek.

"Are you ready to go home?" She nodded and took my hand. We bought the outfits and headed home. When we got home Mirabelle was fast asleep on the couch in between a sleeping Sawyer and Levi. I smiled and gently picked my little girl up and carried her to bed. I laid her down and covered her with her blanket. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Mmm daddy?"

"Yes my little Belle?" I brushed her hair out of her face.

"Are you and mommy home?"

"Yes, we're home little one."

"Okaaayyy." She gave me a lopsided smile.

I chuckled softly and kissed her forehead. "Good night sweetheart."

"Good night daddy." I got up and left her room.

After the boys left I washed up the dishes from dinner. Gen came up behind me and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Hey sunshine." I smiled softly turning the water off and drying my hands. I turned and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. She hugged my middle and laid her head on my chest. I slipped one arm around her waist while my other hand cradled the back of her neck. We slowly began to sway. I started to hum the song we danced to at our wedding. I saw her eyes close before she started to sing. I joined in with her. Most of our nights looked like this now. If I was given the ability to go back and change anything in the past, I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to mess with this time I have with my wife. I love the life I have with Genevieve and nothing would ever change my mind. She looked up at me and I kissed her forehead.

"I love you sunshine."

"Forever and always." She finished for me. After that I grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to our room, hand in hand with the love of my life, the mother to my children, and my absolute favorite person in the world. Mrs. Genevieve Nelson.

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