Chapter 3

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Lucy Gray woke up in a cold sweat, her chest heaving as she grasped at her heart. She sighed after a couple minutes of hyperventilating. She looked around at all the tributes around her, a frown worn on her face.

She moved her knees to her chest and hugged them, sadly looking down at the ground. Today was the day they had to show themselves off to earn donations. She knew it would be difficult to perform, she was too worried about Ana's wellbeing after the explosion, and nervous for the horrendous games she will have to partake in tomorrow.

Tears formed in her eyes, as she tried to shake away her anxiety. 'You better be okay', she thought to herself, hoping Ana was doing alright.

Back at The Academy, Ana was recovering from her injuries. She was resting in the infirmary, staring down at her hands. Lucy had finished her song and she raked in thousands of donations, and she was proud of her, however she still felt uncomfortable. She didn't want tomorrow to come, she didn't want to watch the tributes kill one another, she didn't want anything to happen to Lucy.

She let out a sad sigh, her eyebrows knitting together as Lucky Flickerman cracked another one of his lame jokes. She was angry, and she didn't understand how everyone could be so unbothered. District or not, they were still people.

She closed her eyes, hoping that her worries will disappear along with the night.

The clock struck midnight, and Ana had made her way to the capitol zoo. She was surprised when Lucy Gray herself shot up and sprinted over to her, her eyes filled with tears. "You're okay!", she cried. "I was so worried."

Ana gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'm okay", she whispered, resting her forehead against Lucy's. She used her handkerchief to wipe away the girl's tears, which Lucy let her.

"I.. went to the ruins of the arena tonight. There is a huge hole in the ground. I want you to go and hide there the moment the games begin okay? it's your best bet at avoiding the chaos that is bound to break out. And i also brought you this", she handed Lucy a makeup kit containing rat poison. "please, use this if necessary. I want you to win, I don't care about the reward. I want you to be okay." Ana rushed out.

"I'll try, I promise", Lucy whispered against her forehead. Her eyes lingered down to Ana's lips, before meeting her gaze again.

Hesitantly, both girls leaned in, soft lips meeting chapped. They stayed like this for half a minute before releasing with a small gasp.

Ana cupped Lucy's cheeks, affectionately caressing her face. "I'll wait for you, no matter what, no matter how long it takes. I promise.". Their lips connected one last time, before Ana took her leave.

The very next day, Ana found herself back in uniform. She sat in her chair, uneasily staring at the screen. She wasn't prepared for what she was about to witness. She knew she wouldn't be. It didn't matter the outcome, really. She'd be traumatized either way, and so would the victor.

She whispered to herself, 'Run. Get to the pit', as the count down began.

The game was filled with suspense and emotion. The audience connected with the tributes in different levels, as each of their true colors had been revealed throughout the games.

Coral, a ruthless leader who will stop at nothing to win. Mizzen, a follower, who wants to do all he can to win, and finds solace in his relationship with Coral. Like a big sister. Lamina, a severely underestimated girl who had a heart of gold. She earned thousands of donations when she performed a mercy kill, to end Marcus's suffering. Marcus, who was the only one to escape after the bombings. Marcus, who was then caught and beaten and left for dead. And Reaper, the one who gathered everyone's bodies and covered them with The Academy flag. The one who gave them a civil burial.

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