The Yin & Yang Of 501 And 502

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It was a nice day on Hawaii when a little boy was building a sandcastle on the beach. Little did he knew was that there was an experiment pod on his sand castle, and once some of the water got on the pod, the experiment in question was activated. It looked like a blue cephalopod-like creature with eight water hose-like tentacles, a slug-like body, two small arms, black eyes and three tendrils on it's head. It was experiment 501, (voiced by Frank Welker) and it has the power to absorb water into his head through his tentacles, and then release the stored water in powerful sprays. (in cannon, 501 was female, but in this story, 501 is male) meanwhile, elsewhere on the island, another experiment pod was in the sewers, and some of the sewer's water got on it, causing the pod to activate. The experiment was a quadrupedal, orange-and-red weasel/lizard/dragon-like creature with volcano-like spouts along his back, two volcano-like antennae on his head, black eyes, a round nose and a wide mouth with two fangs sticking out. It was experiment 502, (voiced by Frank Welker) and he was programed to shoot fire balls of lava from the spouts on his back at targets and enemies, and heat solid ground or other land with his feet. Meanwhile, Lilo was teaching Leroy & Stitch about how working together can really help. Lilo: "As you know, lava and water are both very different elements, but if they are put together, they make land, like our home island for example." Stitch: "Meega not like water." Leroy: "Meega either." Lilo: "Come on you two, just because you can't swim doesn't mean water is bad, the earth can't support life without water." Stitch: "Naga water... Naga life?" Lilo: "That's right, and there a lot of life in the water too, like fish for example." suddenly, they heard some screaming not too far away, which made them wonder what was going on. The trio soon found out as they saw experiment 502 shooting fire balls of lava all over the place. Stitch: "Cousin!" Lilo: "And it's like a walking volcano!, we gotta stop him before he destroys the street." Leroy: "Cousin!" Lilo: "We already know that Leroy, we can see him." Leroy: "Naga!, another cousin!" Lilo/ Stitch: "Huh?/Gaba?" they looked to where Leroy was pointing and saw that there was experiment 501 squirting water everywhere. Lilo: "Another experiment, and this one shoots water out of it's tentacles." that was when Jumba and Pleakley came to the scene and were surprised to see the lava and water experiments. Pleakley: "I'm guessing those two monsters are yours?" Jumba: "What else would they be?, and there is no doubt that the water squirting one is experiment 501 while the lava one is experiment 502, both are element powered users." Lilo: "How do we stop them?" Jumba: "Well for 501, you must cut off it's water supply to make him harmless, for 502, you need anti-heat foam." Pleakley: "But where are we gonna get that?" Jumba: "Simple, I happened to have a tank of it when I learned that 626 mark 2 managed to save 502's pod... which is back at house." Lilo: "Then we better get it before 502 destroys the town." that was when Gantu showed up, who saw the two experiments and fired a net gun to capture them. Gantu: "Ha!, looks like these two are coming with me." Jumba: "501 maybe... but the same can't go for 502." Gantu: "Why's that?" 625: "Uh Gantu, one of the nets are melting." said the sandwich eating experiment, who sees that 502 used his lava powers to destroy the net he was in and ran off, forcing Gantu to chase him. Lilo: "Stitch, you and Leroy go after Gantu, I'll go with Jumba to get the anti-heat foam." Stitch: "Ih!" Leroy: "Double Ih!" so with that, Lilo went off with Jumba and Pleakley to get the anti-heat foam, while Leroy & Stitch go after Gantu and their cousins. Speaking of which, 502 was trying his best to outrun Gantu, but he was not designed to be a very fast runner. And to make it worse for the experiment, he didn't realized that he was running right into a lake until it was too late. Gantu finally managed to catch the now helpless experiment, which was when Leroy & Stitch came to the scene. Stitch: "Leave cousins alone!" Gantu: "Sorry Trogs, but if I want to be able to pay my bills, I need to catch these experiments for Hӓmsterviel." Leroy: "Naga happening big dummy!" and so Stitch went to battle Gantu, while Leroy went to try freeing 501 and 502 from their containers. Leroy: "Cousins Oketaka?" the two experiments nodded, but were puzzled why he helped them. 502: "Why help Meega?" 501: "And Meega too?" Leroy: "We're Ohana, and Ohana means family." 501/ 502: "Ohana..." they both said, liking the sound of it. But the moment was unable to last, as Gantu came up to them and was pointing his blaster, ready to be fired. Gantu: "There's nowhere to run, little Trogs." the former captain was about to fire when suddenly, Lilo, Jumba and Pleakley came to the scene with the tank of anti-heat foam, and uses it to fire at Gantu, causing the former captain to fall down, allowing the experiments to escape. Jumba: "Well it was originally made to catch 502, but sure works on knocking down big dummies too." later that day, Lilo was helping 501 and 502 turn good, and thinking of good names for them. Lilo: "Hmm... I think for 501, how about... Yin, and Yang for 502?" the two recently activated experiments liked their new names, and they let Lilo pet them as a way to thank her for saving them. But the moment was not able to last, as Gantu soon showed up again, not ready to give up on the two experiments just yet. Lilo: "Leave them alone big dummy!, they're good now, so you can't have them!" Gantu: "Oh they're good for now, but they'll turn evil again once she meets them." Lilo: "She?, she who?" Gantu: "Oh, that's a secret for now, but I will say that she will turn them evil again once I catch them." Stitch: "Naga happening!" that was when Yin and Yang stepped forward, glaring at Gantu. The duo then unleashed lava and water at the same time on Gantu, making him covered in new rock with only his head, feet and hands free. That was when Leroy knocked the former captain down on the ground, causing him to roll away from the scene. Lilo: "Nice work you two, you really made a good example of Yin & Yang." this made the duo rub the back of their heads with either of their front feet of tentacle. Later, Yin & Yang found their one true place as to make a new island with their powers, and David was with Lilo, Leroy & Stitch, watching the scene. David: "Wow, it's amazing what lava and water can do together." Lilo: "It sure is." Leroy was having some thinking, he wondered what Gantu said about someone having the power to turn the experiments back to evil, but he put the thought away at the moment to continue watching Yin & Yang making new small island.

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