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Jisung skipped on the side walk while holding a daisy in his left hand.
They had art class a little bit ago and the young boy wanted to show his parents the comparison; his drawing vs the real deal.

He stopped as he was about to turn the corner into his street, seeing an elderly woman trying to cross the road, with a vehicle coming towards her at a steady speed.

Without a second thought, he jogged over to her and held her hand all the way to the other side of the crossroad.

She thanked him and gave him a bag of her Oranges, which he tried to refuse, but ultimately gave in since she didn't seem to be dropping it anytime soon.

He bowed in respect and waved her goodbye, before going back over the road and continuing his journey home.

When he opened the front door, faint shouting could've been heard from where he stood.

Jisung recognized his parent's voices immediately and took a deep breath before completely walking in and closing the door.

"So-gyu the water bill is sky high and the light isn't any better!" His mother jabbed at his father's chest with each word that escaped her mouth.

"What do you even do with your money?! Because I know you make enough to pay for the bills plus feed us!"

So-gyu remained calm, "Min-soo, I have my insurance to cover, also the nis. The same insurance that will save our asses in the long run if something were to happen!"

"Insurance this, insurance that! You can't even afford to feed your kid sometimes! On top of that, you don't even give me any money for myself!"

"Are you hearing yourself?!" He shouted at her and she then got all up in his personal space.

Jisung stood behind the corner watching his father pace back and forth with a raged expression on his face.

"Yes I am hearing myself and I'm speaking nothing but the truth-!"

"Well if you want money so bad, look for a fucking job why don't you?! Then you'd see how hard this shit is!"

His mother shut up after that statement was made and stormed her way out of the kitchen. So-gyu then sat down with his head in his hands.

Instead of showing his family the drawing he did, jisung just walked with a sad slouch over to his small room and found a piece of tape to stick it to his wall.

His room didn't have much.
An old bed given to him by his grandmother when he was nine, a single suitcase filled with clothes; some of them either having holes or were just too small. And one chair. That's it.

He took out his small phone which his grandfather gave to him a while back and clicked on YouTube.

Jisung didn't wanna be near his parents at the moment, so watching videos it was.

"Oh? Why isn't it loading...?"

Jisung then screamed into one of his two pillows after quickly realizing the wifi got cut again.

"I hate it here. sometimes."

He shut his phone off and decided he'd just do some homework instead.

He was smart and he figured that out pretty early; elementary level work was a piece of cake to the eleven year old, so it's no surprise that he finished it in record time.

"Now I have nothing to dooo."

"I'll just draw until they call me for dinner.."
"If there even is anything to eat today.."

Be good to yourself today
I love you👹

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