✿ 27 ✿

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After the class ended, Minho swiftly snatched lilac's phone and dashed towards the old man's office to sort out his part.

The principal, upon witnessing the events that unfolded, summoned Jake to his office without delay.

"Sit down boy."

Jake's eyes landed on Minho and in his twisted mind, he thought he was called to see Minho receive his punishment, however...

The principal turned the volume of the small device all the way up, before throwing it at Jake.

"Sir, c'monnn, that's not my phone. What if you broke..." Minho's words died down and he cleared his throat when the principal glared in his direction, diverting his attention to the magnificent wall at the side of the room. "What a lovely wall you have here Mr principal..."

It was blank.

The man sighed.

"Dad t- this could be edited or something, I didn't say that-"

Jake's face twisted into a look of sheer horror as the principal silenced him with a single glance, and he felt as if he had just wet himself right then and there.

"I do not want to hear a single word from you!" "Who do you think you are parading around the school threatening my students with my authority?!"

The boy flinched and eased himself back into the seat he was on. Minho on the other hand was having the time of his life with a shit eating grin decorating his porcelain features.

The principal was furious and he took off his glasses, "apologize to him on jisung's behalf, because I doubt that young man would want to be within ten feet of you."

Jake stood up, lilac's phone dropping to the ground.

"What?! No I'm not gonna apologize dad! Didn't you see how he beat me up?!"

Minho's hands reached out into thin air before going back to his mouth, the motions repeating before he spoke up.

"Dude the phone isn't mine, can you not drop-"

"You shut up!! It's all becuase of you that I'm in this predicament!"

Minho fought the urge to cackle before fixing his posture, and pocketing his hands.

"No jakey wakey," he started in a mock tone of voice, "you brought this upon yourself by flaunting power that wasn't yours to begin with."

Minho's grin grew the more irritated Jake got.

"Jake, apologize, now."

He ticked his jaw before turning towards Minho who was simply enjoying this, "I am so sorry for bullying jisung. Won't happen again."

"And I'll make sure it won't. My God you need to visit your mother. Minho, you may leave, thank you."

"No thank you sir." He picked up lilac's phone before sauntering away with a bounce in his step.

As he was leaving, he heard Jake beg to not spend time with his mother, that he'd do anything.

"Jake I don't give a rats ass about what you think at this moment you will...."

Their voices drowned out the further away Minho got.

As soon as Minho exited the room, he dashed through the corridors in search of Jisung's classroom, knowing that it was already lunchtime.

His steps came to a halt when he saw lilac coming out of jisung's classroom.

"Oh hey, here's your phone back by the way."

After expressing her gratitude, she inquired, "By the way, how did your meeting with the principal go?"

"Absolutely fucking amazing, you should've seen Jake bro-"

"Min min?"

Minho's heart rate accelerated at an alarming rate, all because of a single person's affectionate nickname, 'minmin'.

His focus, previously captivated by lilac, now shifted to the shorter boy whom he had grown incredibly fond of - Jisung.

"Min?" Jisung called him again.

Minho tore his gaze away from Jisung's lips with some hesitation before responding to him.

"Yeah?", his eyes blinking three times, as if he's refocusing. Jisung absolutely adored this habit of Minho's.

"I asked what were you doing here?"

"I just...came to ask if you wanted to eat lunch together....?"

Jisung's gummy smile was on full display, "since when are you so shy when asking me something. You literally hang around me, practically everyday."

"Yeah and everyday I lose my shit being around you because you're making my heart do fucking summersaults..." He muttered under his breath, his intentions were for jisung not to hear.

But lilac heard it. She'd been standing in the doorway waiting on someone and just watched the two converse with each other.

Hearing what Minho said, she snickered and decided to tease him by saying, "simp."

He playfully elbowed her stomach before grabbing jisung's hand so they can do grab lunch.

"Yah Lee Minho, don't step foot in that damn classroom later or I'll trip you!" Lilac shouted.

"Can't wait Lili!!" He retorted.

Jisung decided not to bother with their playful teasing. With Minho's arm securely around his waist, his mind was too muddled to even attempt to make sense of anything.


a/n: hated it 😛

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