Chapter 13

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"Calvin there's something I need to ask you," I say as we are sitting on the couch. He looks at me with shining eyes and a bright smile. Just him coming over here again must be a big deal.

"What is it?" he asks. His eyes never leave my face. Could this be the one I was looking for all this time?

"Would you like to go out sometime? I really, really like you," I say. I take a deep breath as I wait for his answer.


"Would you like to go out sometime? I really, really like you," Taylor says in her cute voice. I'm shocked. My mouth wants to say yes but Ed? And I'm in too much of a shock to do anything.

My smile grows bigger and my face is probably lit up. Hopefully she gets what my answer is by looking at me...


"Would you like to go out sometime? I really, really like you," Taylor says. This is really happening. Alisha looks at me and I know she know I'm going through a lot of pain.

I stand up and walk back to my bedroom. Alisha right on my heels. "This is Taylor's life. Well, that is. I'm not Taylor so let's start my life. That starts with hanging out with you, my friend," I say.

"Really?" Alisha says with a huge smile. I nod. One day I'll have to get over this and who knows. Maybe Calvin is the perfect guy for Taylor. I could be wrong.

We start to talk again, laugh, and just have fun! I'll never forget this moment with my new friend. I had friends back where I lived but it's nothing like this. Alisha is a true friend. "You hungry?" Alisha asks.

"Why?" I ask while laughing. She seems to think about food a lot. If you count Starbucks as food then make that all the time.

"Wanna order a pizza?" Alisha asks. I shrug and get a good idea. One Alisha can't resist.

"Starbucks?" I ask. She gets super excited and we run down the stairs. Good thing I have a little extra money that I found in an old purse. I'll have enough to buy a couple things. Taylor and Calvin are on the couch cuddling, kissing, and trying to watch the movie. We all know they aren't watching a movie. He must've said that they should go out.

"We're going to Starbucks!" I say. Taylor sighs and looks at Calvin before answering. I hope he won't be a guardian too. Not to be mean but I barely know him. That's a good excuse, right?

"The bae's place!" Alisha says and we burst out laughing. Taylor giggles and shakes her head.

"Isn't it a little late?" Taylor asks. It's nearing 8. That's not late at all. She really acts like a mother.

"No, it's open for a while more anyway," I say with a shrug. Taylor sighs then motions for us to go. We smile and leave the house with coats and shoes on. Since is a little late, the air is pretty cold. Well not cold but cooler.

We walk into Starbucks and Alisha starts going crazy. That's when I see.....


A/N: Who could it be?

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