Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Taylor's POV:

The next day, Selena, Ali, and I are getting ready to leave for lunch. Selena said she wanted to tell me something but we stayed up for forever watching old Disney channel TV shows with Ali. So, Selena never had the chance to tell me whatever she has to. Hopefully it wasn't too important. We are going to a café to eat lunch since we ate unhealthy yesterday for dinner. It probably won't have too much junk type of food. I grab my purse, keys, and take a look in the mirror. This morning I didn't feel so well so I only put on a little bit of make-up on.

On top of all that, I just combed my hair. Last night I took a shower so I didn't bother to do that this morning, either. It's a weird feeling that I have today. I just feel lazy and like I don't want to do a single thing in the world. Selena comes up next me and then Ali. We go outside and my driver is already there waiting for us. We get in and Selena and Ali start talking right away. I wasn't in the mood to say much so I didn't.

Of course, I didn't want to ruin the day for Ali so I tried my best to be back in my usual, happy mood. She didn't seem to notice that I wasn't being my usual self which is good. Ali had a lot of fun yesterday after talking to me about things. It's kind of a long drive to the café but the food was amazing so I know the drive would be worth it. I have been to this café a few times before and they never fail to please me. I take my phone out and text my mom a hello. We haven't talked in a few days which wasn't usual.

One of us was always trying to get ahold of the other. She knew Ali was okay after the incident but I didn't know how she was doing. I could only hope for the best. Hope is the only thing me and Ali can have. Ali didn't talk about mom much but she's probably trying to forget the whole situation. That's kind of hard to do since she's living in it every single day. We get to the café and we all get out of the car.

"Where are we?" Ali asks me. I point to the café since I still wasn't totally in the mood to talk to anyone. Maybe Ed will have me get out of this slump. She nods and we walk in. I just wanted a normal, drama-free day today but, of course, something happens; I don't feel like myself. We look over the menu.

"What do you want?" I ask Ali. It was probably the first time I spoke all day. She looks at the menu.

"A turkey sub without tomatoes," Ali says quietly. I feel bad because she probably doesn't know if she should talk to me right now. This isn't the way it should be. I nod and walk up to the register to order the food. I get her sub and a Caesar salad for me.

I pay and Selena orders her food. We stand by the other side to wait for our food. I want to say something to Ali but I didn't know what to say. Once all of us has gotten our food, Ali picks a table by the window to sit at. After a few minutes of eating, Selena clears her throat. "How's the food, guys?" she asks.

"Really good," Ali says with a smile.

"Good, as always," I say and force myself to smile. What's going on with me today? I wish I knew. Selena says that hers is good as well. After lunch, I call Ed to see if he'll meet us here.

"Ed will be here in a few," I say to Ali and kiss the top of her head. She smiles at this gesture and I smile for the first time in what seems like forever. We walk outside to wait for Ed.

Selena says, "I bid you farewell," in a fake accent. Ali starts to laugh and I just smile. "I'm going back to LA tomorrow morning but this was fun," she says.

"Wait," I say and pull Selena aside. She still has something to tell me and I wanted her to tell me before she left. For all know it could be really important or something. "What do you need to tell me?" I ask her.

"I met this cute guy that gave me his number, the PostMate guy," Selena says with a huge smile. "I texted him and he knows I'm going to LA. Next time I visit you here we are going on a date," she says. I cheer which is a good sign maybe I'm feeling better. But then I get a pounding headache.

"That's great, Sel," I say and hug her.

"Tay, are you feeling okay?" Selena asks me. I consider lying but I decide to tell her that I'm not feeling okay. I shake my head. "What's wrong?" she asks.

"I don't really know. I don't feel like myself," I say. I don't get to say anything else because Ali walks up to us and tells us that Ed is here. I hear Selena say something about her telling Ed but I don't remember. I start to feel super dizzy and everything goes black...

Selena's POV:

I pace back and forth in the waiting room of the hospital. Taylor hasn't seemed like herself all day and then faints. Ali just got out of the hospital and now Taylor's just going into it. Ali has been quiet the whole ride here and still is. I noticed her crying but softly and quietly. I haven't said anything to anyone and neither has Ed. The doctor comes out after half an hour to speak with Ed and me. She has had too much stress on her and not enough sleep on top of that.

Ed looks relieved that it isn't serious. I'm most definitely relieved since Taylor has been my best friend for like eight years. I don't know what I would do if something happened to her. "Ali?" I hear myself say all of a sudden.

She looks up from her lap. Ali has been playing with her fingers in her lap the whole time. We are allowed to see Taylor as soon as she wakes up again. The doctor said she has to be in bed for awhile and not leave a lot. The more sleep and less stress on her, the better. She can still release and work on her album as soon as she feels better. At least in a week.

"Yes?" Ali asks.

"We can see Taylor soon. Are you doing okay?" I ask. Ali nods and tries to smile but she isn't fooling me. We all know it's a fake smile.

"I'm fine Selena," she says and looks at her hands again. I know what she's thinking.

"Taylor is fine, Ali. This isn't a scary place just because you were here so recently. Taylor just needs to rest." I say. She nods again but doesn't look up at me. Ed walks over to us to give us the news that Taylor is waking up and we can go see her. He goes in first while I watch Ali to make sure she is okay. After hearing Taylor is okay and awake, she starts looking more alive.

It was my turn to go see Taylor since more than one person in the room wasn't allowed right now. I walked in and greeted my best friend. She seemed okay just really tired. They gave her some sleeping medicine to help her out. I left the room so Ali could greet her mom. Ali went in smiling and came out... looking scared.

What happened in there?



Hey guys! I haven't been writing a lot recently but now I'm making up for it. I'm extremely busy so that isn't any fun... But, yay for another update this week. I don't have any days planned for updating yet but probably Sunday and Wednesday. Sometime around then...

Summer is going by so fast and it's annoying.

Question: What is your favorite part in this book?

See you guys next time!

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