Chapter 4: fanta orange

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The last few days were hell on earth for Scarlett Benefield. Her parents didn't know the full story as to why a boy was over at their house so late at night, but them witnessing him run out the cellar door was enough.

No phones, no books, no leaving the house. You'd think being nearly 19 meant a bit more freedom, but that was out the window here. Her mother even forced her to pee on a pregnancy test, wailing "If you've been hooking up with boys under my roof you better start packing your bags." Of course though, the test showed negative and her mother laid off her for the time being.

Jazz was let off the hook completely due to the fact that Scar's mother was too embarrassed to tell Mrs. Calicut, wanting her family to seem nothing short of perfect. Jasper would have snuck into Scarlett's window by now, but the truth was he was a bit terrified by her mother. Rightfully so.

Both her parents were at work by now, stupid enough to think Scar would abide by their rules when left all alone. She took a glance over her room with determined eyes. The door was locked, a bit inhumane if you asked her, even though she did have her own bathroom. What she didn't have was a kitchen, her stomach reminded her of this as it grumbled. Last night she didn't eat much dinner, instead storming out of the dining room when a rude comment was thrown at her.

She sat in her window sill, watching as tree limbs shook in the wind. When her eyes darted back to the sidewalk she nearly jumped out of her skin. A boy, the boy from the other night, stood looking at her house with what seemed to be fear. Before long he had started making his way down the sidewalk again, speed walking.

Scarlett rushed to get her window open, shouting swears as she did so. Once she did she called to him until he stopped and whipped his head around.

Today he wore a white hoodie with dark jeans, his hair looking perfectly combed unlike the last time she saw him. He seemed so calm and carefree, a big improvement considering he was wailing on the concrete not too long ago.

"You owe me a favor," She panted as he continued to stare at her bewildered. "I'm grounded and it's kinda your fault. Pick me up some food? Just anything, please."

When she was done talking he didn't respond, instead walking off in a hurry, making her flop onto her bed with a groan. "What an ass."

She woke up to the sounds of multiple thuds. Groggily sitting up, a family size bag of chips flew past her head. She let out a short yelp, before collecting herself and peering across her floor. It was covered in drinks and snacks, enough to feed a whole family for weeks.

She ran over to the window, a huge grin on her face. Standing below was the same boy from earlier, wearing the same smile as her.

"Did I go overboard?" He asked, tossing another snack at her.

"Definitely," She caught it, "But I appreciate it." With a wave she starts to shut her window.

"Wait! Your friend.. let me make it up to both of you?"

"'Course, he'd love that." Scar grins and holds up a finger, signaling for him to wait. She grabs a stray piece of paper and writes a number on it. Now she just had to find a way to get it down to him without it blowing away in the wind. After some thought, she tapes it onto a chip bag and tosses it towards him. "Give him a call, I'm sure he'll be thrilled," She snickers to herself, knowing Jazz is gonna yell at her for this later.

"Right," He starts walking backwards, giving her an awkward nod before eventually disappearing down the road.

Matt nervously taps his fingers onto the counter, making a rhythm out of it. His brothers are still at home with him, after having decided that it was best for Matt at the moment. It felt overbearing, but he was still appreciative of their company.

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