Chapter 2: calicut & benefield

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With flaming red hair pooling around her, the cozy girl writes neatly in her journal. It was later in the evening now, so she could hear her family chatting in the living room with a guest they had over.

Aunt Alma. That was the only reason why she wouldn't leave her room right now. The woman just loved to interragate her and make sly remarks. A few Christmas' ago she caused a great ruckus, every year since being the exact same. Say something out of the way, side-eye gifts she thought were too cheap, and very openly make fun of her sister-in-laws cooking. The Benefield family only associated with her when Christmas came around, and oh god when it did Aunt Alma was prepared to make it the worst month of their life.

Since Christmas family dinner was always held at the Benefield's household, they had to keep up appearances. Put up way too many lights, throw up a few snowmen in the yard, and always place the Christmas tree in front of their window so anyone outside could see. If anyone could put up a show it was them. Neighbors and people passing through the street would always slow down just to stare, which was a huge compliment to them.

"Scarlett your friend is here!" Her father belts from downstairs, making her immediantly jump and slam her journal shut. After recklessly throwing her pen to the side she quietly makes her way downstairs, trying to avoid speaking to any of her family at the moment.

Step. Step. Step. "And which friend would this be?" Her father asks whilst setting his glass down.

"Jasper, father," She tries not to let out a sigh at the question. He continues to stare however, making her realize he wanted more. "Calicut?" Scarlett reminds him.


"Don't be ignorant darling, you know him," Mother laughs, lightly slapping his shoulder.

"I do, just wanted somebody to remember who our daughters going around with," He jokes, looking over to Aunt Alma. Something was silenting happening that Scarlett had to clue about, but she did notice how her Aunt's face screwed up.

"His mother's a piece of work, thats for sure," Aunt Alma says, looking around to see if anyone agreed. Scarlett's jaw had clenched.

"Well, she and her husband will be stopping by for a short while on Christmas this year, once again," Father smugly grins. Scarlett couldn't get rid of her smirk either, so she instead bowed her head and went to answer the door.

"Benefield!" The tall boy grins, "and how are you doing on this fine evening?" Jasper asks while tilting his head, blonde dreads following. He had a long scar going from above his jaw to his mid neck, a long ago injury.

"Calicut. Doing fantastic, and you?" Scarlett smiles back, her freckled cheeks rising. She backs away from the door, letting him step inside.

"Swell, just swell."

They start walking, passing by the living room. "Mr and Mrs Benefield," He bows his head before glancing at Aunt Alma "Miss Alma" Jasper tries not to snear. A few more words are said before the pair eventually set off to the basement.

It was their hideout, the basement. Though some of the space was surrounded with cardboard boxes, there was still a grand amount of room for a couch and a few chairs. In various spots there was an old record player, blanket basket, mini fridge, as well as Scarlett's camera that was sometimes up in her bedroom. Their most well-used item however was an old tv, set up on a table with certain games and dvd cases.

"Oh my god, what is that bitch doing here?" He asks in his normal voice now, taking a seat on the couch.

"Jazz, you say this every year" Scarlett sighs, laying down on the couch and setting her feet in his lap.

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