000. even the beginning has a to start somewhere

365 16 14


You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's gonna be alright

- no one, as i am, alicia keys


GRACELYN MALLORY solace is a girl like all girls she goes to school everyday obsesses over any male that makes eye contact with her, binge watches gilmore girls every autumn, likes the blend random fruits and call it a "smoothie" and like all girls she occasionally falls sick. All girls can't be immune y'know....we are awesome but not that awesome. 

And this particular illness fell on the most life changing day of any of the days. 

"This sucks." Gracelyn's nasally voice hacked as she coughed into the phone. "I'm so sorry Ave. But at least you got to make up for that physics test y'know?" 

Avery hummed as if distant. 

"Ave? What's wrong?" Gracelyn hacked, coughing uncontrollably. "Sorry. I would genuinely stop coughing if I wasn't so sick" 

"Guess who's back?"

Gracelyn's face dropped. "Are you kidding me? You're joking."

Avery sighed. "Drake is officially back. And I slept in my car and my back hurts." 

"Ave. You've got to be a bad biatch." Gracelyn bit her lip in thought. "Show Drake who's boss."

Avery sighed "It's not that simple Gracie. I don't want to hurt Libby. She's really trying."

Gracelyn started to feel sick. "Oh Ave I've got to go because unless I'm gonna puke up all over my new phone I better get my ass moving to the toilet bowl." 

Avery hisses in through her nose "Good luck with that girl. Tell the toilet bowl hi for me."

"Don't worry by the time I'm done we'll be making out." 

Avery laughed "Oh! Max told me to tell you that she's thinking of you, you sexy birch." 

"Delightful." Gracelyn said covering her mouth. "Ugh I just threw up in my mouth"

"And this is the part where I hang up." Avery laughed. 

Gracelyn nodded. "That's probably for the best" Gracelyn hastily hung up and ran to the bathroom. 


SHY OF a few hours Gracelyn groggily woke up, feeling slightly less ready-to-enter-the-underworld. Her blonde her hair disheveled and spread and knotted laying flat on her pillowcase. She reached over to grab her phone, and turned it on to a few notifications which she had to strain her eyes to read.

One looked like it was from Avery, Max's and my group chat but the other was from Avery privately. And it weirdly had nothing short of a hundred exclamation marks and lots of capital letters that didn't belong together.


Gracelyn scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Avery taking a holiday to go to texas? In the middle of the school year? Avery was the last person I would expect to ditch school. She just wasn't like that. And considering she sounded so angered this morning why would she just pick up and leave?!

lol did u get hacked?  or are you hitchhiking because drake is back? lmao 

Avery obviously had switched her phone off because she didn't reply and I knew Avery. And I also knew her nervous habit was checking her phone.

Gracelyn collapsed back onto my bed reaching over for the half empty tissue box and her airpods to which she randomly selected a SZA song that she hummed the melody to while she scrolled through her instagram to come across...someone's account. She quickly looked at their post over analysing every detail before calling someone.

The bubbly voice came through the phone "Hey Gracie." The female whispered into the phone. "I'm hiding from my parents."

"Is this one of your mental metaphors May?" Gracelyn sighed. 

"Stop calling me that! And no physically I'm hiding in the bathroom ensuite from my parents so they don't take away my phone!" Max whispered yelled into the phone. "So what's up?" 

Gracelyn hesitated biting her lip. She didn't want to bring Max into the drama but she had to tell someone. "He posted again."

"Who...Elijah?" She sneered.

Gracelyn replied "Yeah. This time...with a girl."

"That mother-faxing son of a birch!" She exclaimed. "You guys broke up shy of a month ago!" 

Gracelyn sighed. "I'm so stupid I should've known he'd just move on. I should too," 

Max huffed. "I'm so sorry Grace."

Gracelyn sighed. "Don't be. I just wanted to tell someone about it y'know? Anyway hows Minnesota?" 

Max pretended to retch. "Horrible." 

That got a laugh out of gracelyn. "Do you know what's happening with Ave? Why is she in Texas?" 

Max replied. "Said she was named in some old dead guys rando will. Wait a minute she's texting me back...."

Gracelyn waited for Avery to text Max back...the line was silent before all Max said was...

"Holy Faxing Ship Gracie...do you know who Tobias Hawthorne is? You're gonna wanna see this"


a/n : first chapter of INHERITED done! yay! pls vote, comment and tell me your predictions for the story!

love you xoxo


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