005. blondie cakes

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Cause this house is not a home

Without my baby

Where are you now when I need you most?

I'd give it all just to hold you close.

Sorry that I broke your heart.

Your heart

after hours, after hours, the weeknd



IT had been 2 weeks of living in the mansion a girl can only dream about. It had EVERYTHING. Too bad I was the only one who appreciated it. 

Avery and Jameson were always off solving mysteries or making out, so they were too busy to notice anything else. 

Nash was always off with Libby and he seemed friendly enough. 

So that usually just left me, Max and my new Hawthorne bestie, Xander. We usually tagged along with him and girls named Rebecca and Thea. Thea was nice enough to me, but I could tell under that fake face of makeup, she wasn't so nice. And I gathered this was the girl who told Avery about "the girl who died"....she said sarcastically. I didn't believe it.

I hadn't really seen Officer Goldilocks since the incident in the kitchen a week ago...

....a week ago....

Baking was said to be one of the only safe outlets of anxiety, so I've decided to try it, except I'm not very skilled. The flour keeps going EVERYWHERE, but I persevere. 

I don't even notice the figure behind me until its too late. I've spilled flour all over his suit, his face wears a shocked expression and yet I can't help but laugh. 

"I'm-" I say between gasps of laughter. "So-" I laugh more. "Sorry!" 

His expression does not look amused, yet he extends his hand revealing a blank piece of paper, still clutching another one in his other hand. The blank page only has Avery's name on the top. 

"What is this?" I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing again. 

"A sheet of all yours and Avery's spendings in the past 2 weeks. I've got her copy on me. I mean purchases have been made for you....but not personally spent." He rubs the back of his neck. 

I beamed. "Does that mean little blondie cakes is willing to be friends?"

"Never." He snatched the paper back. "See you around G-Lynn" 

My mouth dropped open as he smirked and walked out. 


Currently Max and I were in Xander's room watching him build.... um something.

"What the freaking hell is that?" I said between bites of my coco pops. 

"It's an insulator, it's for my latest project, I'm trying to outdo heated floorboards, give them a bit of pizzazz." He grunts. 

"Um....okay." I pretended that I didn't just zone out. "I'm gonna go for a walk." 

Max nodded absentmindedly watching Xander build. I rolled my eyes and hopped off the sofa heading out the door. I turned the corner to find Avery and Jameson kissing. 

"EW! Get a room you two!" I said jokingly. 

They snapped apart and tried to explain. "We-" 

I laughed and waved them off. "No no no I don't care, enjoy you two!" I ran off before Avery could tackle me from anger that they were interrupted. 

To run into a maid sorting through the mail, tons of huge envelopes were piled in her hand, startled by me she dropped one of the envelopes.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, putting my bowl down to pick up the envelopes, some fan mail for Avery, others bills, some about charity events, I found it rather interesting. 

Once they were all collected, the maid smiled and hurried off thanking me. 

I went to walk more when I realised the maid had dropped one. 

"Oh um... excuse me Miss?" I turned but she was already gone. I shrugged and picked it up, studying the outside contents. Words died in my throat as I ripped open the mail once seeing the name on the front. 

A scroll....

And it went like this....

To whom it may concern, 

You may have wondered why I have chosen to amend my will. Well let's just say I'm not knocked off the board yet...

To whom is  reading this is the utter LAST and unbreakable will of myself Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne.

One wrong move, and you're off the board. Choose your next space carefully. 

Try not to get caught. Before they find you.

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