(Act 1) Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

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One rainy day, he runs into school after flying in with his powers and head into school with his friends and says with heavy breathing. "hoo, that was something. Atleast we made it." His friend, Shouko Lamentis, says back to him. "You're not wrong, that was crazy." His friend is a half blood ONI like Malikyte, and can control and create fire, but he still has a long way to go. They head to class and sit down together waiting for class to begin. The teacher walks in, they're name is Dr. Kalihang. "Hello class, welcome to a new and last year of half blood high school. This class is very different then in primary, this will test you as much as it can, and push your powers to the limits." After hearing this, Malikyte gets extremely excited for the path ahead.

The class passes in a few more minutes of working and they head out to the outside training grounds and the rain has stopped, Malikyte and Shouko go out and run to steady themselves, Malikyte stands in a power stance and start to energise himself, a purple and blue aura flows around him as he charges his powers, and then once he's done, his hair is glowing like a beautiful galaxy and his eyes have turned blue and purple. He looks at his friend with a slight smirk and says. "Ready?" Shouko obviously excited about the challenge say back just as challenging. "Oh, I'm ready."

They get into a very fast and equal fight with each other, but Malikyte comes out on top and is able to trip Shouko out of his flame dash and pinned him down. Shouko pinned down on his stomach, Malikyte says obviously knowing he won. "Stay down!" Shouko yields and Malikyte helps him up and shakes his hand.

In the distance a girl watches them, her name in Katrie Yakazou, she's a half blood Kitsune and has a slight crush on Malikyte since Primary 6. Malikyte and Shouko both walk back to the school as the bell rings and they head back in.

Malikyte and Shouko both have different classes and go they're separate ways for now, as Shouko starts heading to his class before he's dragged into a dark room and a stranger says in a dark and obviously altered voice. "Are you friends with Malix Cronis?" Shouko is stunned but can't make out a face in the man and says. "Wait, who's asking?" The man snaps back. "SAY IT? ARE YOU?" Shouko very worried now, says. "Yes..." the man leans in closer and says in a very deep and dark voice. "Tell him I want to meet him, 6 o'clock, back in the outside training grounds, got it?" Shouko is now very worried and steps back and says in a shaky voice. "Okay yes, ill tell him..."The man disappears into the darkness and the door opens and Shouko heads to class, still very shaken by the sudden interaction.

In the other side of the school, Malikyte gets to his class and sits down. Katrie walks over and says in a very nervous and quiet voice. "Can I sit here?" Malikyte looks at her and nods with a smile, they both sit together and as the class goes on, she looks at him every few minutes. The class ends and Malikyte is about to leave and she says in a nervous voice again. "Hey wait, I know you don't know me but, I was wondering if you'd like to hangout at lunch?" Malikyte obviously being the pure hearted and nice person doesn't turn down the offer and says with a big smile. "Yeah, I don't see why not?" With her hearing this, she gets really excited and almost jumps up and down and a big smile goes over her face as they go they're separate ways.

Lunch comes around and they all meet up, Shouko obviously still a bit shaken, Malikyte notices this and takes action. "Hey, you good man?" Shouko turns and says fast and scared. "Someone threatened me to make you meet them at the outside training grounds!" Malikyte is taken back by his words and says. "Who? Did you see they're face?" Shouko shakes his head and is on the verge of a panic attack. Malikyte holds him still and is a bit worried but goes through with it. "Fine, if its me he want, its me he'll get..." Shouko is very taken back by his words and Katrie is just standing there a bit confused.

The time comes around and Malikyte is in the outside training grounds like the stranger asked Shouko to say, and yet its quiet... To quiet. Malikyte keeps still and ready for anything in the dark training grounds.

All of a sudden, a red lightning bolt hits on the other side of the training grounds and a man forms from it. Malikyte is stunned and steps back and glares at the man ready. The man speaks in a low voice. "You've grown..." Malikyte is a little taken back by this and says a bit curious and worried. "You know me?" The man says to him. "I've known you for a while, ever since you were a kid..." Malikyte gets into a fighting stance and says in a shaky yet threatening voice. "Who are you and how do you know me!?" The man doesn't even flinch and just keeps still. "I thought this might happen, so thats why I came prepared..." the man throws a kunai thats flowing of a dark red energy. Malikyte dodges out of the way of it but then a girl drops in and stands in between them. She says in a very threatening and angered voice. "Stand down and come with me!" The man removes his hood and around his eyes look cracked and his eyes glow a vibrant red, he says back to the girl in a mocking voice. "You really think you can take me on girl, neither of you can, you are still such young half bloods. Atleast one of you are!"
They both stand ready to fight him but the man stops and turns away. "You aren't ready yet, neither of you are, ill see you round. Malix..." The man gets hit with a red lightning bolt and disappears.

Malikyte is very taken back by how he knows his Demon name. He turns to the weird girl who has her face covered with a weird mask and says. "Hey, who are you and why were you after him?" The girl looks at him and says. "He's a dangerous demon, and I want him taken away." Malikyte is very taken back by this and sits down on the verge of a panic attack. "He's a demon..."

The girl tries to comfort him and calm him, she says calmly. "Hey, so what's your name?" Malikyte looks up at her and says still a bit shaken. "Malikyte, yours...?" She says. "I'm Valentina, do you know why he's after you?" Malikyte obviously doesn't know at all and stands up and says in a more serious tone. "I don't know, he just threatened my friend telling me to meet him here and had no reason behind it...?" Valentina says a bit calming but serious. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe..."
They leave and Malikyte follows her to her base in the forest where she introduces him to her team. "This is Velocity G. Runner, the speedster of our group, that is Zane Cooler, he's a Ice Deity and can be very effective against lightning powers. And this is Ascension She is a Half Vampire and is my second mate in command. And we, are the Destroyer Hunters..." she stands there proud and Malikyte just stares in awe. He says still shocked. "The Destroyer Hunters...?"

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