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  When class was over, their table was crowded with people, all students who wanted to make friends with Lin Mo.

  Lin Mo was very indifferent and ignored them all. He looked sideways out of the window and ignored all their voices.

  Seeing that they couldn't talk to him, those people talked to Bai Sang who was sitting next to him.

  The remaining two or three are all girls. They are very enthusiastic and have bright smiles.

  In the real world, Bai Sang has never had so many people talk to him except the nurse sister and the doctor in the ward all year round.

  The blush spread from her neck to her cheeks and ears. She lowered her head, became embarrassed, and whispered:
  "He, he is not my brother, he is a friend."

  A girl with short hair looked at her blushing face and looked very cute. , eyes lit up, and I wanted to ask what.

  Lin Mo, who was sitting by the window next to Bai Sang, suddenly stood up.

  "Sit inside."

  Bai Sang realized that this sentence was meant for himself. He was stunned for a moment, stood up in confusion, and changed places with him.

  This time, all sounds were blocked, and the girls couldn't talk to her.

  Several boys looked at her with pity and left with the crowd.

  Bai Sang didn't know why Lin Mo wanted to change seats with him, but he wanted to change because he probably didn't want to sit by the window.

  Bai Sang held her chin and looked out the window. The green trees were growing abundantly, the flower beds were picturesque, and a few rays of the setting sun were setting, which made people feel happy.

  She likes to sit by the window.

  Lin Mo turned his eyes.

  The side face of the girl is as white as jade, the corners of her red rose-like lips are slightly curved, and her dark eyes are full of broken light, as if she can easily enter the hearts of others.

  At the end of the afternoon class, although Bai Sang had learned all of them, studying in a different environment brought a different mood.

  Bai Sang put the books in his schoolbag, stood up, and left the classroom.

  Arriving in front of the school gate, the housekeeper had been waiting here for a long time. Watching them come, he came out to open the door for Bai Sang.

  Lin Mo received a call on the road. It was from Bai's father. Another car was already waiting on the opposite side of the road.

  Send her to the housekeeper, and Lin Mo will leave.

  Seeing this, Bai Sang stopped him, "Lin Mo."

  This was the first time Bai Sang called his name, as if a ray of warm sunshine fell on his heart.

  Lin Mo turned his head casually and looked at him indifferently: "?"

  Bai Sang smiled: "Be careful on the road."

  Lin Mo paused, then turned around and got in the car silently.

  Lin Mo's car quickly left her sight. Bai Sang stood there and breathed a sigh of relief.

  The plot has already begun. After Lin Mo accompanies the original owner to school every day, he will carry out Father Bai's mission, which is bloody and cruel. They are all related to murder.

  For the original owner hiding in the warm sunshine, he would just think that he was resting.

  Taking the housekeeper's car, she returned to the luxurious villa hidden in the woods. The huge house was empty, except for the servants, she was the only one left.

  The original owner's father was wealthy and ambitious, and did not like love.

  After meeting Bai Mu, there was a hint of human touch.

  My mother was extremely beautiful and of foreign origin. She was sold in an underground auction house and was taken home by Father Bai.

  Bai's mother was pregnant with Bai Sang and was captured by Bai's father's hostile forces. When Bai's father went to rescue her, Bai's mother had died, leaving only the original owner who was born prematurely.

  The original subject's poor physical quality was also caused at that time. Father Bai was heartbroken and his methods became more ruthless.

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