Not like old times

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(Ty's POV)

Ty was backstage at Raw talking to old friends like Kevin & Sami greeting people & surprising everyone who'd just heard his name & then seen him backstage. Finally they asked him to do a backstage promo for the show so they can get him officially on screen.

McKenzie Mitchell was asking the questions for Our Resident Aerial Ace "the last night of the draft has been so exciting & one big reason is the man joining me now a former NXT tag champion one of the hottest stars of wrestling today Tyreke Leon!!! How does it feel to be back in WWE Ty?"

"I'm feeling good Kenzie it feels good I've seen my best friends there's one I haven't seen but I'm sure they'll pop up my cousin Naomi is so happy to see me even though she's SO mad I didn't tell her I'm back with my girlfriend Lexi I feel amazing m!" Ty replied just throwing out reasons he's happy to be back without even really thinking about it.

"That's great we're happy to see you back & excited to see you back in the ring! But that brings me to my next question what can we expect to see from you this time around what are your plans for Monday nights?"

"You can expect me to get in that ring almost every Raw I wanna wrestle & you'll see that I'm gonna fight my way all the way back up to the top starting from the bottom against the guys who'd normally only be seen on main event until I work my way up to a WWE Championship match *whispering* and win of course! But yea expect to see The Aerial Ace in the ring starting next week when I face Ricochet in my return!"

"That's wonderful news for all your fans & supporters thank you for your time we can't wait to see what you do this time!" McKenzie ends the interview & says bye to Ty and then walks off. As Ty walks off just wondering around looking for something to do someone else to talk to he bumps into the friend he mentioned in the interview as she crashed right into him. It's gonna standing there fluster faced

"Sorry... Oh Ty... heyyyy." Gionna wasn't exactly happy sounding to see him which to be fair Ty wasn't so sure he'd be happy to see her either if the roles were flipped.

Ty chuckled before responding "Hey Gi it's me... again." They both stand there trying not to bust into laughs before Gionna cracks first and hugs him

"How you been Ty? last I heard you were in Japan what are you doing here?!"

"I'm doing great Gi I've been around here for like a month now this is my first time coming to the show! How about you rookie what's been up with you I've heard you've been doing great stuff around here."

"Define great" Gionna giggles a bit although that may have been to deflect the pain "but nah It's been good I feel my career is going good enough for right now at least!" 

Gionna & Ty go back & forth laughing before going separate ways

"Alright I'm gonna go back & see if Lexi & Trin are still there so byeee!" Gionna tells him a skips off with a  wave 


(Later in the night)

Ali & Aubrie's mom didn't let them stay up to talk to their dad so Ty put his phone away grabbed his bags & was tryna find his way to his wwe provided car wanting to drive himself to the hotel this time.

Totally convenient coincidence incoming

(Gionna's POV)

Gionna was happy she showed up despite not wanting to at first. She said her goodbyes & got her plans for next week she makes her raw debut in a triple brand no.1 contenders battle royal that the final 5 participants heading into a fatal 5 way at Crown Jewel with the winner getting a shot at the Raw Women's Championship held by Becky Lynch at a future date. 

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