This time we all Liv

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Monday night raw

(Gionna's POV)

Moments before her match Gionna is sitting on a crate going over her spots and making sure she's ready for this moment. Right at this moment Ty walks over "BOO!"

Gionna wasn't scared but rather irritated "Dude I'm tryna concentrate!"

"Yes and if you concentrated any longer you would've been stuck to the crate." Ty joked then stepped back to see the gear she's wearing "you look good Gi!" Gianna was wearing the Chucky gear with the Halloween IT themed makeup she was preparing to make tonight her big moment!

"Thank you! You too by the way!"

Ty was about to thank her but then her music played

"Oh gotta go!"

(In the match triple brand battle royal for a Raw women's title shot after Crown Jewel)

Liv Morgan was the first competitor to make her entrance where commentary mentioned she was eliminated from the Queen's Crown tournament by Carmella on Friday tonight she looks to redeem herself but it won't be easy she must go through 19 other wrestlers! We head to break as the graphic shows all competitors in the match

Toni Storm Rhea Ripley Shotzi Aliyah Carmella Zelina Vega Nia Jax Shayna Baszler Io Shirai Dakota Kai Gigi Dolin & Mandy Rose Raquel Gonzalez Kay Lee Ray Alexa Bliss Franky Monet Tamina Eva Marie Doudrop & Liv herself.

Back from break Rhea makes her entrance as the last woman & the match begins. It's pure chaos on Monday night raw as bodies go flying early

Rhea dumps Franky Monet & Alexa Bliss out early with a double suplex to the floor

Alexa Bliss & Franky Monet are eliminated

The chaos continues as Aliyah & Liv reform their team from NXT for a brief moment to take on Zelina & Mella & Toxic Attraction's NXT Women's Champion Mandi Rose & 1/2 of the tag champs Gigi Dolin as the triple team brawl is going on Nia & Shayna decide not to team up and brawl neither getting the advantage as they both hit big strikes.

Toni Storm eliminates Kay Lee Ray getting revenge from NXT UK by ducking a clothesline but Doudrop clobbers her with a crossbody before dumping her to the outside!

Toni Storm & Kay Lee Ray are ELIMINATED

Raquel wants revenge for Dakota costing her the NXT Women's Championship and she bullies her even putting her through the announce table she then launches her over the top but Dakota hangs on she drags Raquel's head onto the apron before hitting an inverted Canadian Destroyer to eliminate Raquel


Liv is almost eliminated by Nia and we go to break

Back from break there's 10 competitors remaining

Liv Rhea Nia Doudrop Shotzi Io Dakota Aliyah Eva Marie & Carmella

Liv is fired up and she hits an enziguri on Dakota before hitting ObLIVion on Carmella and a springboard code breaker on Doudrop Eva Marie tries to take advantage and eliminate Liv & Doudrop at the same time but Liv saves them & launches Eva to the floor with a backstabbed variation over the ropes! 

Eva Marie is eliminated

Now it's a clash of powerhouses as Rhea Doudeop & Nia square off in the middle of the ring they all throw big shots at each other & Nia hits a cannonball onto Doudrop but Rhea manages to lift her up for a Riptide but she can't get her over the ropes & Nia drags her over the top to the floor but only one foot touched!

Rhea is not yet eliminated

Nia then is double teamed by Carmella & Dakota but she powers through them power moving Carmella onto the floor and countering Dakota's Yakuza Kick attempt into a military press where she launches her onto Carmella for the double elimination!

Carmella & Dakota Kai are eliminated 

Nia thinks she's going to the 5 way but Liv Aaliyah Shotzi & Io are all aware Rhea's still hanging on so they jump Nia!

Io hits a meteora in the corner to Nia and Liv hits a float over ddt Aliyah springboards off the ropes for a X factor variation & Shotzi hits a diving senton to Nia's back finally getting the juggernaut down!

They all try to eliminate her & they start to get her over the ropes but Nia powers back in it shoving them all away before headbutting Io power slamming Aliyah chockslamminng Shotzi & Liv still tries to fight throwing stiff punches to the face but she's swiftly getting exited from the ring via being launched  over the feet nearly hit the floor she can't even hang onto the ropes so she hits a Spider-Man pose on the apron(similar to Kairi at Rumble 24) but Nia's not done & it looks like she's going to leg drop Liv's head to eliminate her but Rhea charges in with a dropkick straight to The irresistible force's head she then locks in position for the Riptide before launching her to the floor with it!


The bell rings as Rhea Shotzi Liv Morgan Aliyah & Io Shirai will battle in a fatal 5 way at CJ for a shot at the Raw Women's Championship! Liv survived for now will she do it at crown jewel!

(Backstage Ty's POV)

Ty had the match after the battle royal and he's excited but he gets relegated seeing Gionna getting her first big opportunity. He was in gorilla and congratulated the women who walked back to gorilla first came Io then Aliyah Rhea & Shotzi. Gionna came through finally but commercial break was almost over so Ty had to prepare for his entrance.

"Congrats Gi."

"Thank yo-!"

Ty's entrance music plays & he mouths "sorry gotta go!" Before rushing past the black out to the entrance way

Ty makes his official return entrance to a huge ovation from the crowd as he spins around doing his signature pose he shows off the gear inspired by Miles Morales some metallic black and red pants spray painted with purple spider logo with some custom Jordan 1's to match.

Ty leaped in the ring before waiting on his opponent Ricochet to make his entrance.

The one & only made his entrance next to some light cheers he can do extraordinary things but he's been kinda a loser lately which might show in this matchup.

The bell rings and Ricochet is agressive charging in for a hurricanrana but Ty flips through landing on his feet before hitting a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Ricochet who also lands on his feet. Both run off the ropes but Ty springboards off the middle rope his brown & red twists swishing through the air as he delivers a high drop kick to Ricochet that sends him flying outside the ring. Ty does a lil taunt dancin swaying his hips to another cheer. Ty has the fans in the palm of his hand as he charges out again hitting a sliding sunset flip bomb to the floor knocking Rico loopy! Ty then hits a charging double stomp onto the announce table as Raw heads to commercial.

Back from the break Ricochet has managed to take control for a slight moment blocking a knee strike from Ty. Ricochet tries a shooting star but Ty gets his knees up and makes a comeback and hits a running knee strike that bounces ricochet's head off the ropes & he follows that up with a twisting Samoan driver. Into the cover 1-2- kickout from Ricochet! 

Ty's frustrated but waits for Rico to get up and charges in! Ricochet ducks under it and hits recoil! He heads to the top and attempts a shooting star press but Ty gets his knees up! Ty hoists Ricochet up and hits Kxng's Killa for the first time in WWE! 1-2-3!

Ty's return has been successful he smiles into the camera before grabbing the mic.

The crowd's cheering chanting "Welcome Back Welcome Back"

Ty gets teary eyed before bringing the mic to his face "It's good to be..." Ty gets caught off guard and blindsided with a chair over the head.... It's KEVIN OWENS?!?!?!

(Authors Note: This was split in two because writers block and way too long so I'll say ya later)

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