
Boom, boom... Oh no, not again. I pulled the blanket over my head with a distorted expression on my face. These were my neighbors who lived above me, because now the children were going to kindergarten and I would easily have another 4 hours before I had to rush back to work. But no, something like that is never allowed here. Children scream, the old grandma next door complains that I'm too loud when I have to take a shower in the evening, and now there's a knock on the door every morning because the kids don't think it's funny. I heard the front door in Castle a lot and my tense body relaxed again.

And to everyone who thinks. Just change the apartment. But that is easier said than done, because I hardly manage to pay and eat the rent in this apartment. As well as? I go to work for 5 euros an hour. And my apartment is really not big and is in the worst quarter of Spain. Abens no woman wants to voluntarily on the street alone, because here it is teeming with brawls and here a car likes to burn. We don't want to talk about the burglaries and rape that take place here every day. This is the worst location where you can live, because nobody takes nobody here. I am glad that anything has never happened to me here, but I think that so far was just luck. Or the people were just afraid because they felt that I made martial arts from the 2nd to 8th grade and can defend myself very well. I won a lot of competitions at the time and was generally the best.

I had to smile briefly when I thought back to the good times. Suddenly images of my parents appeared in my mind's eye. And I pushed back all the memories of time and locked them back behind the iron walls that I have painstakingly built all my life. Because the first rule was, never show emotion, it will be your weakness and your enemies will take advantage of it.

I look around. My bedroom was also my living room. We ate in the kitchen and the room was just big enough to accommodate a small one-man bed and a mini sofa. I always had to store my clothes on the floor of the entire apartment because a closet or chest of drawers wouldn't fit in there.

With a sigh, I got up and made my way to the bathroom, which is right next to my room. It had a small 10×10 mirror and a shower with just enough room to turn around. We don't even want to talk about the toilet and the sink because the previous owners weren't particularly hygienic. There were traces of dirt everywhere that simply couldn't be cleaned away.

I look at my sad face in the mirror. My skin wasn't the clearest and my brown hair had split ends and I just didn't have the money for everything. In the meantime I even had to take a cold shower because warm water was too expensive for me. I looked expressionlessly into my brown eyes and saw that they had lost all glaze and that you could no longer see the golden flecks in them. Shaking my head, I brushed my teeth and gathered my clothes from the floor.

When I was finished I went into my kitchen and you could see that the previous owners hadn't maintained it well. The plastic sink, which was once white, was now yellowish. And the faucet rusted. Kurtz, I hated living here.

But I was a high school dropout. I had to drop out after ninth grade because my parents died. That was also the time when I needed a job and the only option was the café around the corner. And now I live here because I'm so underpaid.

I pushed a bread in my mouth and hurried to the hallway. I would still have time but my rent was already overdue and my tenant put pressure. That meant nothing more than overtime from morning to evening. In the hallway I only had a thin tapering Jake and a few shoes. This hall just didn't offer much more space.

I grabbed my cell phone, key and left the apartment. It was 10:45 a.m. Great now I'm coming too late, because I need at least 20 minutes to walk to the café, I didn't have a car. If you then added the incidents that almost always existed, I would be 15 minutes late. My boss will kill me, I was late yesterday. That could only end badly. I left the apartment and ran straight into the Assis from the 3rd floor.

The day could only get worse. Inside I breathed out and back in, just don't freak out I have to go to work. Because it is not the first time that I have rooted the son of Assis because he always tries to touch me and generally sexually identify or bother. And even now he couldn't keep his chop -eating and said things like: horny tits or beautiful ass, but it is even more beautiful when he is beaten by me. I ignore him and ran, no, sprinted out of the high -rise before I could lose control. When I finally escaped hell, I hurried to get to work and not to stumble across all the homeless people who lay around here everywhere.

 When I finally escaped hell, I hurried to get to work and not to stumble across all the homeless people who lay around here everywhere

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