
"I am Alessandro, Alessandro Matinez. And what do you called? "While he said he was still looking deep into my eyes and I couldn't just take my eyes so captivating." I-i-Isabella "" Only Isabella? "" For you yes. " And then she was my sniped side again. I could have really hit my forehead. He only asked for my name why I tick straight out? "Jo Bro don't want to sit down or is the condition more interesting?" Asked one of the men who were sitting behind him at the table. I have to say that everyone didn't look bad. And I appreciate them to 19 or 20 years could impossible to be so much older than me. "Chill times Emilio I'm talking." "Yes, exactly, you talk but talk to you too?" He laughed stupidly and his mega laughed white teeth, which I was really jealous came to light. "Hold the face." Now this guy, Alessandro, seemed annoyed. From the reactions of the friends I was able to shoot that they had to know each other well. They only had to laugh, with their beautiful teeth again. "Sorry, Isabella, but he rarely gets such sayings, especially from women." He said confidently and immediately had to laugh again. Alessandro just rolled his eyes. Those beautiful green eyes that you could really look into forever.

Slowly he leaned down. “It was nice to meet you, Isabella. Hopefully we'll see each other again soon. "When my name came over his lips, I hardly winced, this voice was almost dominant so significantly, and how he expressed my name. That just chased me over my back. In the last part of his sentence, he leaned down to my ear and whispered words with you. It almost sounded like a promise.

When I finally arrived in the normal wing, I only realized that I stopped the air all the time. I took a deep breath and out. Simply ignore this strange meeting and continue the work. Since my colleagues were already busy at the top, I ended my layer below, seeing his eyes in my mind again and again. They just didn't get out of their heads.
At the end of my shift, I went to my closet to put away my apron and swap my work clothes for my regular clothes. What was kind of strange is that Alessandro and his friends were still there. They had just been sitting in the café for two and a half hours, watching everything and everyone, you felt like you were being watched the whole time, and when I looked up, all three of them were watching me. Which gave me a strange feeling.

But anyway, let's go home and go to bed before I'm late for work again tomorrow. I went through the back door into the small courtyard and was briefly startled. It was pitch black and much colder than I had imagined.

Meanwhile I was walking through the spooky neighborhood again and the fact that there weren't really any lights to guide the way didn't really make it safe. And to make matters worse, I felt extremely watched. And somehow something was following me but whenever I looked around there was never anything there. Here and there you can always hear screaming, but those were the normal noises at night. I didn't know any different. Suddenly some drunk men appeared next to me and I knew that if I didn't want to be taken advantage of I had to run, and I ran. Literally for my life, everything just became too much. I felt like I was being followed, watched and now a few strange guys were running after me, plus the strange encounter with this Alessandro and his silent threat that we'll see each other again soon.
I got really scared and just ran faster. Suddenly I heard a car behind me that was quickly approaching, I turned around and that's when it happened, I tripped and fell. The car stopped in front of me and I recognized it, it was the car I had seen in front of the café. I started to cry, not because the fall was so painful, but because I knew I was lost, when 3 men dressed all in black approached me, who were noticeably wider and taller than me because of the muscles they had. I had to try it anyway, what did I feel like I had been doing martial arts all my life for? So I stand in a fighting stance and held up my hands, clenched into fists, ready to attack. I was ready and would defend myself as best I could. The men continued to come towards me and, when they were within reach, I tried to push one of them away from me with all my strength. But he stood there like a wall. Only then did I realize that I really had no chance, turned around and ran for my life. Unfortunately I didn't get far, the men were not only strong but unfortunately also fast. And so after just a few meters I felt someone holding me. And before I could even scream, a cloth was pressed over my mouth and nose. Since I knew this form of kipnapens, I knew that I just wasn't allowed to breathe in. While I'm not trying to breathe, I'm constantly trying to kick my attacker between the legs. Unfortunately, he noticed this and pushed his legs into mine so that I could no longer move. Shit, these guys were really professionals. And my failed attack had robbed me of so much strength that I could no longer hold my breath and had to take deep breaths. Slowly but surely I felt the neurotoxin spreading through my lungs and entering my blood. I notice that my limbs became heavy and I collapsed into my attacker's arms. The only thing I could hear were the words "Boss, we have her." Then my vision went black.

" Then my vision went black

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