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Today, jisung was on his way home when he saw his mother carrying two buckets, one in each hand.

He jogged to catch up to her, curious to see what she was holding.

"Go put your bag down and take your clothes off to help me carry water from the well to the house."

"Why would we need water though?"

His mother's silence answered the question for him.

He did as told before coming back out with a bucket to help her.

They did the back and forth from the well to the house a couple times until they had enough water for at least three days.

"Thanks, now go do your homework if you have any then come for dinner."

"Yes ma'am."

His father came home a little later than usual. So-gyu knew the water got cut because that's where he was, at the water authority office trying to strike a deal with them.

He was also talking to one of his buddies for a while before bidding goodbyes.

He walked in, said goodnight, then took two buckets of water with him back to the front door.

"So-gyu where are you going with those?"

"Oh just, around the corner."

Min-soo crossed her arms, "let me rephrase that. Why are you taking two buckets of our water?"

He scratched his head before answering, "The lee's are short on water and they helped us out a couple times before so it's the least I could do."

And then it started.
What should've been a 'normal' family dinner, escalated into a huge commotion.

Jisung came downstairs pushing his hand through his shirt just as it all started.

"Are you serious?! We're struggling to even put food on the table and you wanna give stuff away?! Can't they go to the well like we did?"

"Min-soo calm down, it's just two buckets of water-"

"Like hell I will! Jisung you better tell your father that he's in the wrong here."

"But mom what do I-"

"Don't bring him into this!"

She scoffed and stormed over to so-gyu to take the buckets away from him.

In the midst of them struggling, so-gyu accidentally hit Min-soo and she stopped all movements.

"You just.." she stared at him, eyes wide.

He looked panic and began to apologize over and over.
She was too ignorant though, not wanting to hear anything, she hit him back.

And this is where things went up a notch. She didn't hit him with her hand, she took her shoes off and started beating so-gyu over his back.

Not wanting to just take a beating, he retaliated by smacking her in the head.

Min-soo moved from the door to the kitchen, rummaging through for something.

She pulled it out and launched it at his chest which was a direct hit but he took the knife out and tossed it aside.

He took heavy steps towards her and grabbed her hair, flinging her on the ground.

"CAN YOU STOP PLEASE!?" Jisung was in distress, tears falling down his face in an insane amount.

none of them heard a sobbing jisung behind them nor the door opening.

"What the actual hell.." jisung turned to his grandmother's voice and immediately sought out her comfort.

She hugged him back for a brief moment before going to attempt to part the husband and wife.

His grandfather, who came in after his grandma, played a big part in helping to break the fight apart.

Once everyone was somewhat calm, both his mother and father got a scolding from jisung's grandparents.

"I'm taking jisung and that's final."

Min-soo stood up, "mom you can't just take my son without our permission?!"

"Fix your marriage. I won't have you destroy this child any further than you probably already have."

She turned to jisung with a soft gaze, "honey go pack your bags."

"Jisung if you move an inch, I'm going to lash you." He frantically stopped, fear evident in his eyes and hands visibly shaking.

"Jisung don't listen to her. Yeobo go help jiji pack while I stay here with these two."

His grandfather held his hand all the way to his room and helped him pack what was necessary.

They were done fairly quickly since jisung didn't have much and they left soon after.

"Min-soo this is all your fault!"

"Mine? MINE?!"

"yes. Yours. And until you figure out yourself, I'll be sleeping at work! Goodbye!"

"For fucks sake!"

a/n: ehem.

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