Chapter 4

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On Saturday morning, Ginny arrived so early that Hermione hadn't even managed to get out of bed.

"When were you planning to tell me that you're going to break up with Ron?" Ginny exclaimed as she burst into the room. Hermione had shared the password to the prefects' tower with her earlier this week. Ginny had sworn a solemn oath not to tell anyone. Well, thanks god she's alone or the morning would become absolutely unbearable even before having breakfast.

"Oh, do you know what time it is?"

"It's time to talk about an interesting party in the Gryffindor common room. Ron joined this exact party around 9 PM. And by 10 PM, he was already petting with some fifth-year girl by the fireplace. When we asked him what's going on, he said, I quote, 'I can do whatever I want, I'm a free man now. That bitch dumped me.'"

Suddenly, Hermione felt incredibly hurt. One hour. It took Ron just one hour to get over her and find someone else.

Ginny stared at her intently, trying to determine if Ron's words were true and, if so, what Hermione feels about it. Was she upset about Ron's affair, or did she truly not care?

"That's his prerogative. Of course, it stings that he moved on from our entire history in just an hour. Damn hour! But we did break up, and he has no moral obligations to me."

"And that doesn't bother you at all?"

"It does bother me, mostly the part where he is getting over me so quickly. He didn't even try to win me back. On the other hand, maybe it's for the best. It means both of us can move on without dwelling on our past."

"So, is it true that you broke up with him?"

"I was the one who voiced that we needed to break up. We've had unresolved issues for a long time, and our separation was just a matter of time."

Ginny looked at Hermione with a long, piercing gaze but decided it might be better not to ask any more questions. If Hermione wanted to, she would share more on her own. Although...

"Do you have someone. Let's say special?"

"For Merlin's sake, Ginny, no, I don't. Are you out of your mind? Maybe I initiated the breakup, but I'm certainly not the type to find a new guy that quickly."

"Well, maybe you've already had someone, and you just didn't want to hurt Ronny."

"Don't talk nonsense. And I don't want to discuss this topic anymore," Hermione said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Just be a good friend and suggest doing some girly stuff to distract me from all this drama. I have a meeting with Parkinson tonight, and it is certainly won't cheer me up."

"Oh, those mysterious meetings related to the Rehabilitation Program?"

"There's nothing mysterious about them: once a week, a mentor meets with their mentee, and they discuss how the mentee is doing in school, whether they're being bullied, and how their mood is."

"And who got Malfoy?" Ginny's eyes lit up.

"Ron, why?"

"This year he's just extraordinary hot. And there are rumors about him... Let's say, he didn't get the nickname 'Slytherin Prince' for good grades. I think I'll accompany Harry and Ron to their meetings some day!"

"Ginny! Aren't you ashamed?!"

"Oh, come on! Despite the fact that I am with Harry, I still have eyes. No one said it's forbidden to look, right? Have you seen his shoulders? I took a long good look at them in the bookstore and I wasn't disappointed at all," Ginny smirked. "Okay, get out of bed, and let's go grab some breakfast. Then we'll figure out what to do today."

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