𝟎𝟏. we're so young, but we're on the road to ruin

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  ⸝⸝₊ ┊in between
chapter one ‧₊˚ ⋅⩩

  ⸝⸝₊ ┊in between ♰ chapter one ♰ ‧₊˚ ⋅⩩

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   ⁰︎⁰︎ °. • THE LIBRARY WAS quiet when the two boys walked in. If they were being honest, they've probably never even stepped foot in the library. At least Peter definitely hasn't. He never had time for the library. Ned barely seemed to know where he was going but he at least knew the general area. They just needed to find a redhead and they could leave.

"Why would she even be in here?" Ned whispered quietly as they walked through yet another aisle of books. He ignored the dirty look he got from the student they passed as Peter sent them a quiet apology. Again...these two were never in the library.

"She said she was studying for midterms," Peter explained quietly.

The only time they had seen Maisie today, was before they even got to school. Peter saw her on the train and then she disappeared. Peter knew she was stressed; she always was around midterm's—something about her dad pestering her about her grades—but she always shut them out. Every year without fail, Peter has had to drag her out of whatever study bubble she put herself in. Ned has just gotten dragged along. He didn't really care; it gave him a reason to get out of his own work.

What he didn't understand is why Peter wasn't following Maisie around anyway. The two were practically attached at the hip, at least...that's what her dad always said. Mostly because it drove the man insane.

If Maisie was somewhere, Peter was right next to her. If Peter was somewhere else, somehow Maisie had found him. It's like the two had some weird signal between them to always know where the other one was.

If there was someone who was a pro at third wheeling, it was Ned. Sorry, Ned.

And really, Maisie had no reason to be studying anyway. She was like...third in their class. That's the last Ned had heard, but she really could be spending her time doing something else.

Something like helping Peter and Ned. They always needed help with something and whatever the problem was this time was obviously urgent. Urgent enough that they needed to wake her up.

"Maisie," Peter whispered, trying not to disturb the rest of the library as they found the table the girl was at. Her head resting on her arm with an open book beneath her as she slept. "Mais."

He backed off quickly when she shot awake.

"Mass times sine," she almost shouted before Peter was shushing her. Ned looked around awkwardly before waving to the two boys who had looked over and scrambled for a seat beside Peter. "What?"

𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧  ♰      Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now