Chapter 8

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Stef's POV

I was getting out of my car at school the next day, when I saw Dan's car roll up in the spot next to mine.

I tried to subtly avoid him, but it wasn't gonna work out.

"Hey Stef!" I heard behind me.

I planted a huge fake smile on my face and turned around to greet him.

"Hey Dan, how are you?" I asked.

"Doing ok, what about you? What have you been up to?"

"Not much since I saw you at the beach a while ago."

"Oh yeah! How was the rest of your little getaway?"

I immediately thought of the amazing sex Lena and I shared on the beach that night.

"It was, um, it was good." I lied, because good was an understatement.

"That's good..." His eyes lingered on me. "Hey listen, Stef." He began again.

I looked at him curiously.

"Did I...disappoint you?" Asked Dan.

"What? What do you mean?" I started. "You mean in our relationship?"

"Uhh...yeah. Like in the, um, sex...department." He mumbled.

"No..." I laughed. "...I guess not...I mean, the last time was, um, well we've already talked about that."

"I know, not good." Dan sighed.

"But were fine, why?" I finished.

"Well...I know that you and Lena" He began. "And I just-

"Wait how do you..." I interrupted him.

"I was walking on the beach that weekend..." He admitted.

"Oh were alone right?"

"Yeah, I was. And I haven't told anyone. It's really not a big deal, I occurred to me that maybe I wasn't everything you wanted. Not only when we had sex, but just all around. I hope that I was enough..." He explained.

" were. But when I broke up with you, it was because I just couldn't love you the way I did before. I was discovering that I'm gay...and I love Lena. I know this is a really cliche thing to say, but this time it's really true: it's wasn't you Dan, it was me."

He laughed a little.
"I know." He said. "Thanks. I just...felt like we left it on the wrong foot. I'm glad we could make it right."

"Me too." I agreed. I began walking towards the school. "See you around." I waved.

Still Stef

I knocked on the door of Lena's new home - her aunts hotel room.

A few seconds later, the door opened, and there was Lena's aunt.

"Hi Ms. Adams." I smiled.

"Oh please! Call me Jane!!" She laughed.

I laughed, and asked if Lena was home.

"She isn't, but she should be any minute now." Jane replied. "Come on in though! Can I get you a drink or anything? I have a nice coffee machine, you like iced coffee?"

"Sure, that'd be awesome, thanks!"

"Oh hey Stef!" I heard Lena say as she entered the hotel room behind me. "How do you like my new home?"

"It's beautiful." I kissed her cheek. "And I can't wait to actually start doing things with you again after this long week of waiting and only seeing you at school."

"Me too." Lena smiled.

I started to take some of the things things that Lena was carrying from her hands.
She had suitcases, bags, pillows, and other stuff for her move in.

"Hey how was school?" Jane asked Lena as she re-entered the room a few minutes later with two coffees.

"It was good." Lena replied, taking her coffee.

"Here, I'll take all your stuff and put it in your room." Jane began. "That way you two can go out. Go do something fun!"

I looked at Lena.

"Okay!" She said.

"Thanks again Jane." I smiled.

"No need to thank me."

"So," I started to Lena as we walked down the beach, "I talked to Dan today."

"About what?" She asked.

"He asked me..." I started to laugh. "He asked me if the sex was good when we were together."

"What? Why?" She laughed.

"Well because I guess he heard or saw us having sex that weekend on the beach."

"Oh my god, you're kidding...was he with Jeremy?" Lena nervously asked.

"No, he said he was alone." I responded. "But yeah, we kinda just talked everything out this morning."

"That's good I guess." Lena began. "But is OUR sex...?" She smirked.

"Our sex is amazing. And fantastic, and beautiful, and I love every second of it always."
I moved my hand down to her ass.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed.

"Text from my aunt." Lena spoke. "She says she's going grocery shopping and should be back in an hour."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I winked at my girlfriend.

"Hell yeah."


"Lenaaaa...." I moaned as Lena stuck two fingers inside of me back at the hotel.

She circled her fingers to the rhythm that I was kissing her lips.

"Faster!" I yelled, and my request was granted.

Lena moved her fingers in a perfect motion making me want to explode with pleasure, but I held back knowing that she wasn't done yet.

She took her thumb and placed it on my clit, rubbing it around.

"Cum for me." Lena smirked.

And that I did. I exploded, screaming her name, my fluids getting all over her.
But she licked up every last drop.

I quickly flipped us over and stuck my tongue inside of her until she too reached her climax, screaming my name.

"Stef you are so good." Lena began as we put our clothes back on. "I don't know how I managed without that kind of sex before we were together."

"Glad I can make you happy." I laughed.
"I'm gonna head home though, my mom's expecting me for family dinner." I stated.

"Oh that'll be fun!" Lena replied sarcastically.

"I know right." I kissed her on the lips. "See you tomorrow babe."

"Ok, see you then. Love you!"

"Love you too." I smiled, and walked out the door.

'I could get used to this.' I thought to myself on the way home.
'I could get used to this.'

AN: Thanks for reading!

Does anyone have any suggestions about were the story should go? I don't really wanna end it, but I feel like the storyline is going nowhere lol.

So please let me know if you have suggestions, and make sure to comment and vote:)

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