"Hey, dont worry, im here and ill stay just where i am, with you"ANGST WARNING

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Alr luvs before i begin with anythin imma let yall know this will get a bit emotional, mentioning anxiety and stress, if you aint a fan of this then sry but youll have to wait for mah next one! Love yall and try not to cry xx

I am so fucking glad our parents talked it out. Last friday was the WORST. Well, partially but still had me breaking down. Let me get into the story.

Friday, Aidens house.

The kids were at Aidens to hang out and negoiate. In the middle of talking Ashlyn stood up and excused herself.

"Guys- be right back, im gonna go to the bathroom real quick"

Everyone just nodded and continiued talking.
As Ashlyn was at the bathroom she heard the bedroom door open. She heard Aiden excuse himelf because his mom called him over.

"Aiden! Son, sorry for interrupting but can you come here for a second?"

Ashlyn overheard Aidens mother.


She heard Aiden.

"Listen... i know you made an impression here, you made friends, you went on sleepovers, field trips.... but... me and your father got another job connection.... in Florida."

She heard Aidens mother speak once again.

"W-wait, are we moving AGAIN?"

Aidens voice bacame shaky and had a hint of dissapointment.

"Im sorry son, but we will have a better life there! I bet you can make even better friends there and have loads of fun at thr beaches-"

Aidens father spoke up

"Nonononono- Dad, mom i love it here. I cant just leave. Plus, theres NO WAY that i can make better friends. We arent moving. Im not going anywere. Im sick and tired of moving constantly! Why cant we just stay here? You guys have amazing paychecks and the greatest jobs. What else do you even want?"

Aidens voice became shaky.

"Aiden, listen im sorry. We're leaving monday. Tell Ben when your friends leave."

As Ashlyn overheard their negotiation her eyes swelled up. Hes moving? This cant happen. No. This WONT happen.

She tried calming down in the bathroom but her hands shaked, her head throbbed, eyes teared and face became paler.

She got to herself a bit and went back to Aidens room where everyone else was.
As she entered her room Aidens smile was nearly completely faded. She sat beside him and smiled at him. He smiled back but he was still devistated. They kept talking and joking around. Ashlyn soon noticed Aiden was nearly about to burst and stop smiling. Her hand snuck behind her back and to his, locking her fingers with his. She caught his attention and Aiden smiled, barely. She squeezed her grip and smiled back...

Soon the group was on their way out.

"Hey Aiden.."

Her voice became shaky.


He smiled at her attention.

Her eyes teared up again but soon hugged him, shoving her face into his chest.


He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her in a tight hug.

After her eyes stopped tearing up she pulled away and smiled at Aiden.

unussually close..    (Aidlyn Oneshots That I Cant Sleep Without)Where stories live. Discover now