Chapter 3

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"Wake up, lazy butt!" Adam's eye snapped open at the sound of the voice. The bull Faunus groaned, blinking as he adjusted to the brighter light seeping in through the window of Beacon's ballroom. Ordinarily, he would have been up before even the sun was, but his stay at the police station two nights ago had left him tired, so he had slept later than usual. Grumbling, Adam sat up, ready to glare at whoever had woke him up, only to see that the girl responsible was on the opposite side of the room, dancing around a young man who looked just about as appreciative. "It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!" the ginger girl cheered in a sing-song voice. The bull Faunus shook his head, sending a silent condolences towards her brother, or however those two were related. Then he stood up, stretched, and moved on to the locker room.

Adam did not spend much time in the shower, only washing the essentials and his hair, before drying off and getting dressed. Fortunately, the locker room had private stalls for its bathers, which allowed him to remove his eye patch and let the warm water soothe his entire face, without any concerns of prying eyes seeing him. After throwing his clothes back on, the bull Faunus left the locker room, aware of the same duo he had seen earlier standing in front of the mirrors, the girl continuing to yammer on while the boy brushed his teeth. Adam did his best to block her out, electing to head back to fetch his belongings and roll up his sleeping bag for the faculty, before heading to breakfast.

Jeez, was she really still going? Even sitting on the other side of the cafeteria, he could still here the ginger-haired girl continuing her spiel, rambling about something even with a pancake hanging out of her mouth, which she slurped down in one bite, something that made the bull Faunus do a double take. He had no idea how the pink-eyed boy was able to put up with her incessant chatter, but that level  of patience was applaudable. Adam almost certainly would have told her to get lost by now. Heck, he was already sorely tempted to, and he was nowhere even near her. Deciding the best course of action would be to simply remove himself from the situation, the bull Faunus swallowed down the rest of his orange juice, then headed back into the locker room to retrieve his weapon.

"Locker 636, eh?" he murmured, looking down at the piece of paper he had been given to Ms. Goodwitch the night prior. His mouth scrunched up into a frown, though, as he noticed the little memo the teacher had written beneath it, suggesting he move his belongings three rows down. "Why would I do that? They're all the same size, and it's not like I brought that many items with me anyway. Although," he grumbled, as he saw who was currently sharing the same locker section as him, "I can understand why she thought I should move..." Case in point, currently the Schnee was standing in front of his locker, engaged in a conversation with a red-haired girl wearing a bronze circlet and armor that he recognized, but couldn't be bothered to recall the name of.


"So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you would like to be on?" Weiss Schnee asked Pyrrha Nikos, doing her absolute best not to just blurt out her request to be on the Invincible Girl's team right then and there. "I am sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!"

"Hmm... I'm not quite sure," the red-haired girl admitted. "I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may." Oh, was that so? Then this was her chance to present her offer in a natural way, and the heiress took it gladly.

"Well... I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together," she suggested. Pyrrha smiled politely.

"Well, that sounds grand!"

"Great!" Weiss smiled sincerely, then turned around so that she could sneer and scheme without letting the other girl see. This will be perfect! she thought to herself. The smartest girl in class combined with the STRONGEST girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We will be popular! We will be celebrities! We will get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!

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