✿ 5 ✿

440 15 22

Jisung has been living with his grandma for over a month now and he enjoyed it.
Sure he had limited screen time and couldn't really leave the house, but it was refreshing not to come home to shouting.

Him and his grandparents were in the kitchen along with his two uncles, preparing dinner. Music softly played in the background from the radio perched on the window as him and his grandfather had a dance off.

"Grandpa, you can't beat me!" His little giggle made everyone's heart swell.

"Is that so? Okay, watch this" his grandpa laughed along with him while doing some crazy footwork and jisung just watched him in astonishment.
He loved being around his grandparents and if he could, he'd never go back to his parents house.

They ate dinner and talked about random topics as to not let it be silent at the table.

"May I be excused? I've finished eating.." he toyed with his fingers that layed neatly on his lap, hoping that they'd let it slide, seeing as he didn't finish all of his food.

His foot bounced up and down, impatiently until his grandma put his mind at ease by saying he can go and that it's alright if he does.

They had a dog so he gave the remainder food to it before going to his room. There he played a couple games and watched some YouTube videos before his grandfather told him to wash up and brush his teeth.

In the middle of brushing his teeth, jisung felt a pair of eyes on him, however when he turned around, no one was there.

"That's weird.." he spit out the water in his mouth then put his toothbrush down before walking back to his room for his pajamas.


Jisung was sound asleep when he felt a pair of hands glide across his leg coming up just shy of his thigh. He figured it was a fly and didn't open his eyes, only stirred a bit before snoring again.

This continued until he felt super uncomfortable so he had to, unfortunately, open his eyes.

To his horror, it was his eldest uncle telling him to "shh" and "just let it happen".

The boy was unsure of what to do for he has never been in this situation before. A part of him knew it was wrong what his uncle was attempting to do, but the other part of him didn't know how to respond.

His uncle left soon after, having not done much to jisung and that night, jisung layed awake, unable to fall back asleep.

The next morning, everything continued like normal, the only thing that changed however, were the looks his eldest uncle sent his way.

a/n: uh...yh
Why am I posting these even though I haven't finished it yet?
If I don't I'll give up😔🫶🏽

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