Hanging Out

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Bubble's P.O.V:

Me and Fanny drive downtown and stop at a Popeye's and find a good parking spot. After we've parked we head inside meeting with the rest of Freesmart.

Ruby: Bubble said she'll come so she's coming. 

Book: There she is. 

Bubble: Hoi girls. I hope you don't mind that I brough Fanny along.

Pencil: Well.. I'm not gonna like force her to leave, you're welcome to hang with us. 

Fanny: Sure..

I can see Fanny's stink eye at Pencil, come on guys you gotta make up soon. I put my thoughts off their relationship for now as we order our food. I got Cajun fish and ice lemon tea, Icy also got the fish but with the mash potatoes and pepsi, Book ordered creole chicken burger with some cheese fries. Ruby also got the sandwich with some biscuits and ice cream, Match got a fish sandwich with a side of tarter sauce & sjora mongo peach, Pencil ordered some tenders with chili sauce & Pepsi. As for Fanny she ordered an 8 pc of chicken with Mt dew. Before our attendant leaves Fanny stops him for a moment and takes out some kind of card to show him.

Fanny: Excuse me sir, I also want to order the hot sauce special if you still have it here.

Worker: No problem ma'am.

Book: Hot sauce special? I've never seen anything like that on this menu.

Fanny: That's because it's not on that menu, you can only order it with an exclusive card like this one.

She holds it out for the rest of us to see, Ruby takes it for a brief second to admire it. She gives it back to Fanny of course. 

Ruby: Cool, it even has your picture.

Fanny: Yeah it's one of those things in a rewards program. 

Match: So you're like a regular here?

Fanny nods as our orders arrive.

Worker: Your special will be here soon.

Fanny: I'll wait. So, what's this gathering about anyway?

Pencil: Oh we're just talking about what happened at Ruby's party, y'know the outbreak.

Ruby: That was the first time one of my holiday parties have gone so wrong, oh well at least I managed to not get infected. And I helped in undoing all of it!

Ice Cube: I wasn't that lucky, my friends from The S! used me as a distraction and left me to be bitten. I am so getting revenge on them. What about you guys, what happened on your side.

Book: I got ripped to pieces by Pillow, I see why Death P.A.C.T. is so insistent that we keep a handle on her.

Fanny: Yeah, she causes a lot of problems when nothing's there to stop her.

Match: Nothing to extreme, I mean Pence-Pence and I did get infected by Liy and that's about all I can recall from there. 

Ruby: Hey Fanny, what was it like being all zombified?  

Book: Oh yeah, I heard you still protected Bubble even when you were green and sick. 

Fanny: That's a little tough for me to wrap my head around, even after I got bitten the only thing I had on my head was to find Bubble and stay with her. I don't even know if I had full control of myself or not. 

Ruby: How about when you and Bubble met me and the other Have Cots?

Fanny: That's where it gets even more fuzzy, I recognized your voices but none of you even looked like yourselves. Of course it didn't help it when one of you attacked me. 

Icy: You remember your time as a zombie? 

Fanny: Apparently, I may be the only one who dose. 

Book: Hmm, I'm not an expert on this subject but it's like your body was infected but your mind wasn't fully. 

Freesmart: Hm.

Fanny: Well I rather not continue talking about this, it makes my head hurt...

The worker returns with a platter of hot sauce bottles. 

Worker: Here ya are ma'am, your pick of our top 5 hot sauces arranged from levels of hotness you can even share amongst your friends.

Icy: No thank you, I tolerate spicy even less than being tricked into something I don't like doing.

Worker: Then avoid this last one it's called the Grim RePepper. 

Ruby: Oooh, it's glowing. *singe* OUCH!

Fanny: Yeah, be careful with that bottle. It's hot to the touch not even I have used it, but one of these days I will conquer it! >:)

Match: You really like things spicy don't you?

Pencil: So do I, let me try some of these. 

Pencil grabs a bottle labeled 'Fire Festival and puts some on her tenders, a couple of bites in and she's already fanning her mouth. 

Fanny: Looks like you can't even take the heat like I can. 

Fanny's comment lights a competitive spark in Pencil as she grabs the 'Devil's Spirit' sauce.

Pencil: Oh it's like on Ferrum! 

Bubble & Match: No dear/uh-oh.

Starring each other down the pour the sauce on their food and take a bite. 

Pencil: *cough* Barely a tingle. 

Fanny: Ahh, refreshing. 

Pencil: *grumble* Why don't we like, skip to the boss level? The Grim RePepper!

Fanny: I was getting bored of these other sauces anyway.

Pencil picks up the bottle with tongs and puts a drop on her biscuit. 

Fanny: wimp. 

After being egged on even more by Fanny Pencil full on pours the Grim RePepper onto both of their plates and they chow down still making intense eye contact with each other. I could practically hear the sound of a kettle whistling from them as their faces both turn bright red and filled with sweat, out of nowhere Pencil succumbs to the heat with panic.


She runs around the table with fire spewing from her mouth until she scrambles into the ladies room presumably to try to quench her mouth. As for Fanny she still sits in her seat trying not laugh.  

Icy: I guess Pencil is as heat resistant on the inside as she is outside.  

Bubble: Fanny? Are you alright?

Fanny: Mm-hm... Ulp- *BEEELLLLCCCH*

Freesmart: AAH-!

We all duck our heads un the table as Fanny's burp releases a mass amount of fire from her own mouth. After that she immediately guzzled down her mt dew cooling herself off. 

Fanny: Ahhh... that was good. 

Book: Goodness, I'm not even sure if you qualify as an object or a dragon.

Fanny: Pfft- I wish.  

Just then Pencil comes back still panting from the Grim RePepper but at least she's not burning up anymore. 

Pencil: Can I like, have one one of those Cremo atom bites Ruby?

Ruby: Sure. 

She gives one to Pencil who places it on her tongue only for it to melt.

Pencil: Let's just like.... call it a tie...?

Fanny: Whatever helps you sleep at night Pence Pence. ;)

Fanny holds her tail out and shakes hands with Pencil. After we all finished our food and paid the bill we head home, as I drove back home I smile at Fanny proud that she and Pencil are starting to get along a little better. 

~To be Continued~

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